ABSTRAKMagister Kedokteran KerjaJudul : Gangguan Cemas Berdasarkan Hamilton Rating Scale For Anxiety dan Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan pada PolisiLatar Belakang. Gangguan cemas pada polisi dapat menurunkan performa dalam pekerjaan serta menurunkan kepuasan dalam lingkungan kerja sehingga dapat mengakibatkan layanan kepada masyarakat menjadi kurang bagus. Hal ini karena polisi termasuk profesi yang beresiko tinggi dan berpotensi memiliki tingkat stres yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan beban kerja fungsi/satuan kerja dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan terhadap gangguan cemas pada anggota polisi.Metode. Penelitian ini meggunakan desain potong lintang dengan besar sampel 106 orang yang diambil secara kuota sampling. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari 2017 dengan 4 kuesioner; Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety HARS , Survei Diagnosis Stres SDS , Self-Reporting Questionnaires 20 SRQ-20 , dan Penapisan Stres Paska Trauma.Hasil. Didapatkan prevalensi gangguan cemas sebesar 61.3 dengan gangguan cemas ringan sebesar 30.7 , gangguan cemas sedang sebesar 13.8 , gangguan cemas berat sebesar 23.1 dan gangguan cemas berat sekali sebesar 32.3 . Dari analisis multivariat didapatkan konflik peran sedang-berat RO 4,815, IK 95 1,926-12,041 , dan stres RO 8,469, IK 95 1,021-70,260 .Kesimpulan dan Saran. Gangguan cemas dapat mempengaruhi performa di dalam pekerjaan, sehingga pelayanan terhadap masyarakat menjadi kurang bagus. Prevalensi gangguan cemas di Polres X tinggi, konflik peran sedang-berat, dan stres memiliki hubungan dengan kejadian gangguan cemas. Karena itu perlu dilakukan intervensi, baik secara administrasi maupun secara medis.Kata kunci: Anggota Polisi; gangguan cemas; konflik peran; stres.
ABSTRACTAnxiety Disorder Based On The Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety and Associated Factors Amongs Police OfficersBackground. Anxiety disorder on the Police can decrease the work performance and satisfaction in the work environment so that it can affect to the decrease of service quality to the communities. It is because the police profession belongs to one of the high risk and potentially high stress jobs. This research aimed to find out the relation between the workload and factors which are related to the anxiety disorder on the police officers.Method. This research used a cross sectional design with 106 police officer as respondents selected by quota sampling. This research was conducted in January 2017 using 4 questionnaires Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety HARS , Survey of Stress Diagnosis SDS , Self Reporting Questionnaires 20 SRQ 20 , and Post Traumatic Stress Screening.Result. The result showed that the prevalence of anxiety disorders by 61.3 with low anxiety disorder by 30.7 , moderate anxiety disorder by 13.8 , moderate anxiety disorder by 23.1 , and severe anxiety disorder by 32.3 . From the multivariate analysis, it was obtained that the moderate ndash severe role conflict OR 4.815, CI 95 1.926 12.041 , and stress OR 8,469, CI 95 1.021 70.260 .Conclusion. Anxiety disorders can affect someone rsquo s performance in his work so that the service given to the community becomes less good. The prevalence of anxiety disorder in Departmental Police X is high, the moderate ndash severe role conflict and stress have relation with anxiety disorder. The intervention needs to be done, either administratively or medical.Keywords Police officers anxiety disorder role conflict stress