Menyimpulkan sifat kepribadian individu melalui sepatu yang dimilikinya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian zero acquaintance pertama di Indonesia dengan foto sepatu. Penulis mencaritahu aspek sepatu yang menggambarkan sifat kepribadian Big Five pemilik sepatu, aspek sepatu yang digunakan pengamat dalam mempersepsi, hubungan kedua aspek tersebut, konsensus persepsi antar pengamat, dan akurasi persepsi tersebut. Penelitian membandingkan dua kelompok pemilik sepatu, yaitu yang ekspresif pada sepatu dan yang ekspresif pada benda selain sepatu.
Hasil menunjukkan bahwa sifat openness to experience kelompok ekspresif pada sepatu diketahui dari aspek perkiraan jenis kelamin pemilik sepatu wanita dan aspek tersebut digunakan oleh pengamat. Sedangkan pada kelompok ekspresif pada benda lain, ditemukan aspek tinggi sepatu Dari kedua kelompok ini ditemukan sedikit perbedaan konsensus antar pengamat, dan tidak ada perbedaan akurasi persepsi pengamat.
Title Inferring someone rsquo s personality traits by her shoes A research on zero acquaintance through pictures of shoes was carried out for the first time in Indonesia. The author examined the aspects of shoes that descibed th Big Five characteristics of shoes rsquo owners and used by observers in making a perception, the correlation between those aspects, consensus of perceptions between observers, and the perceptions rsquo accuracy. The research compared two groups of shoes rsquo owner, the one who is expressive on shoes and the other one who is expressive on other things than shoes. The results showed that the openness to experience trait from the group that was expressive on shoes was known from the gender aspect of shoes rsquo owners female and this aspect was used by obervers. On the other hand, the aspect of shoes height was found on the group that was espressive on other things. Based on these group, the difference on concensus between observers was found to be little, and no difference was noticed on the accuracy of observers rsquo perceptions.