This study aims to build a proper concept of Indonesia National food sovereignty, to analyze food security by focusing on import dependency in order to achieve food sovereignty, and to prove that farmers rsquo welfare could be achieved by giving back their basic right of land, education, and health care.Food sovereignty focuses on the freedom of individuals, communities, people, and nation to choose what food they want to consume, how they produce it, and how they distribute it. Food security analysis shows that Indonesia has potential to be self sufficient on rice, but institutional problem such as distribution and cost of production makes it still importing rice. In household level and community level by taking sample from district Cigalontang, Tasikmalaya, West Java, food sovereignty is achieved by giving back their right of land. Through OLS Ordinary Least Square method with IFLS 2014 data, the result obtained had proved that farmers rsquo welfare in West Java, in this case per capita expenditure, did increase as land ownership per meter increase. Year of schooling as well as health care are also has positive relationship with percapita expenditure. In addition, probit model method results also in line with the OLS result. land ownership could eradicate rural household from poverty. The same result for year of schooling and health care condition. The more educated the household head, the more possible a rural household to escape from poverty. The more satisfied health care condition, the more likely for being not poor.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjabarkan konsep kedaulatan pangan, menganalisis ketahanan pangan dengan memfokuskan ketergantungan impor untuk mencapai kedaulatan pangan serta membuktikan bahwa kesejahteraan petani bisa tercapai dengan memberikan hak dasar mereka yaitu lahan, pendidikan dan status health care.Kedaulatan pangan fokus terhadap kebebasan individual, komunitas, penduduk dan Negara untuk memilih pangan yang mereka inginkan, bagaimana mereka memproduksinya dan bagaimana pendistribusiannya. Analisis ketahanan pangan menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia mempunyai potensi untuk swasembada beras tetapi bermasalah pada distribusi dan biaya produksi sehingga masih harus mengimpor beras. Di level keluarga tani dan komunitas dengan mengambil sampel di Cigalontang, kedaulatan pangan ditempuh dengan mengembalikan hak lahan bagi petani. Dengan metode OLS Ordinary Least Square terhadap data IFLS 2014 ditemukan bahwa kesejahteraan keluarga tani di Jawa Barat dalam hal ini per capita expenditure secara signifikan mengalami peningkatan dengan meningkatnya kepemilikan lahan, pendidikan, dan status health care. Selain itu, hasil metode model Probit juga sejalan dengan hasil OLS. Kepemilikan tanah, pendidikan dan status health care bisa mengurangi kemiskinan pada rumah tangga pedesaan.