ABSTRACTGenerally, a nation has a Diplomatic Mission to be carried out in another country. Australia has a Diplomatic Mission in Italy that is realized through an Embassy in Rome, and two consulates located in Milan and Venice. However, the Venice consulate is located 50 kilometers outside Venice itself, which makes it inconvenient and disadvantageous for people who would like to access the consulate from Venice. Meanwhile, a consulate should be a place that is easily accessible to facilitate people who are often dealing with sudden and urgent matters. Thus, it is essential to re locate the Australian Consulate in Venice and enhance the architectural quality by designing a new consulate that does not only assist people in regards to living overseas but also translates and embodies the relationship between two countries. The consulate must also include office space as well as residential space and consider the privacy and public space design. Through a comprehensive research on consulates, the social and political aspect of Australia and Venice, and context and site analysis, this report will be focusing on the proposed design of the new Australian Consulate in Venice and its process of transforming the concept based on the analysis of both countries into a built form. This report will be in accordance with the author rsquo s competed studio project in Queensland University of Architecture, Queensland, Australia.
ABSTRACTSebuah negara biasanya memiliki misi diplomatik di negara lain. Australia memiliki misi diplomatik di Italia yang direalisasikan melalui sebuah kedutaan di Roma, dan dua konsulat di Milan dan di Venesia. Meski demikian, konsulat yang semestinya berada di Venesia terletak 50 kilometer di luar Venesia itu sendiri, sehingga menyulitkan orang untuk mengaksesnya. Sedangkan, sudah semestinya bagi sebuah konsulat untuk memiliki akses yang mudah agar dapat memfasilitasi orang-orang yang membutuhkan bantuan mengenai masalah yang mendesak. Kedutaan dan konsulat merupakan representatif dari Australia di Italia. Maka dari itu, penting bagi Australia untuk merelokasi konsulat yang berada di Venesia dan meningkatkan kualitas arsitekturalnya dengan cara mendesain konsulat baru yang tidak hanya membantu dalam hal tinggal di luar negeri namun juga memencerminkan dan menanamkan relasi dari kedua negara. Konsulat tersebut harus memiliki ruang untuk kantor dan tempat tinggal dan mempertimbangkan pembagian antara ruang publik dan ruang privat. Melalui penelitian yang komprehensif mengenai konsulat, aspek social dan pilitik Australia dan Venesia, dan analisis konteks dan lokasi, tulisan ini akan membahas mengenai proposal desain baru Konsulat Australia di Venesia. Karya tulis ini berdasarkan proyek studio penulis yang diambil di Queensland University of Architecture, Queensland, Australia.