ABSTRAKPraktek kerja profesi Apoteker di PT. Taisho Pharmaceutical Indonesia, Tbk. bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran, tugas dan tanggung jawab Apoteker di Industri Farmasi, memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan, ketrampilan dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian di Industri Farmasi; memahami penerapan CPOB di Industri Farmasi dan memiliki gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan pekerjaan kefarmasian di Indsutri Farmasi. Selama PKPA,mahasiswa dibekali dengan training CPOB, sertifikat halal, dan EHS Environment, Health, and Safety , serta ditempatkan di Pengawasan Mutu. Kegiatan di Pengawasan Mutu adalah melakukan verifikasi metode pengujian yang dilakukan oleh analis terhadap dokumen spesifikasi dan metode pengujian produk jadi yang bersumber dari Farmakope Indonesia dan United State Pharmacopeia USP . Kegiatan lainnya adalah melakukan analisis terhadap biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk pengujian produk jadi. Berdasarkan PKPA yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Apoteker di PT. Taisho Pharmaceutical Indonesia, Tbk. mempunyai peranan, tugas, dan tanggung jawab poada bagian produksi, pengawasan mutu, dan pemastian mutu.
ABSTRACTInternship in PT Taisho Pharmaceutical Indonesia, Tbk. aims to understand the role, duties, and responsibilities of apothecary in the pharmaceutical industry, have the insight, knowledge, skills, and practical experience to do the work of Apothecary in the pharmaceutical industry, understanding the application of GMP in the pharmaceutical industry, and have a real picture of the problems of pharmaceutical jobs in the pharmaceutical industry. During internship, students are equipped with the training of GMP, Halal certificate, and EHS Environment, Health, and Safety , and placed in the Quality Control. Activities in quality control is to verify the testing method undertaken by the analyst against the spesification document and test method of the finished good product originating from Pharmacopeia Indonesia and United State Pharmacopeia USP . Another activity is to analyze the costs incurred for testing the finished product. Based on internship that the pharmacist at PT. Taisho Pharmaceutical Indonesia, Tbk. has a role, duties, and responsibilities in production, quality control, and quality assurance.