Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker di Apotek Rini Rawamangun bertujuan untuk memahami fungsi dan peran Apoteker dalam pengelolaan apotek dan baik secara teknis kefarmasian maupun non-teknis kefarmasian, serta memberikan gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan praktek kefarmasian. Praktek kerja profesi dilakukan selama satu bulan disertai dengan pengerjaan tugas khusus berupa pengkajian interaksi obat pada resep yang mengandung eperisone selama bulan Maret 2017.
Tujuan dari tugas khusus ini adalah untuk mengetahui total resep serta presentase resep yang mengandung Eperisone di Apotek Rini selama Bulan Maret 2017, mengetahui persentase obat generik dan bermerk dari eperisone terhadap total resep yang diperoleh, dan mengetahui persentase obat eperisone yang diracik dan tidak diracik.
The aims of pharmacist internship in Apotek Rini Rawamangun were to understand about the role and function of pharmacist in pharmacies management both technical and non technical pharmaceutical activities, and to give a real representation about the problem of pharmaceutical practice. The internship was held in a month include a specific assignment about reviewing drug interactions on eperisone containing recipes during March 2017.
The purpose of this specific assignment were to find out the total prescription and prescription percentage containing Eperisone at Rini Pharmacy during March 2017, to know the percentage of generic and branded drugs from eperisone against the total prescribed recipes, and to know the percentage formulated and not formulated eperisone.