ABSTRAKIntegrated Management of Childhood lllness (IMCI) approach is a new method
in treatment of childhood illnesses. In developing countries, the five common diseases in
under five children are pneumonia, diarrhea, measles, malaria, and malnutrition, where
as In Indonesia, upper respiratory tract infection is the first rank. The most common
diseases cause of death in Indonesia is still dominantly by parasitic and infection
diseases, respiratory tract infection, and diarrhea, respectively which followed by
diphtheria, pertusis and measles.
As a new approach of illness management, this method is expected to having an
improvement in quality of services as well as the output, compared to precedent
approaches. The quality improvement that predicted from this method is come form
rational therapy which will be followed by decrement of cost of illness. In Indonesia,
IMCI has been implemented since 1997 where firstly applied in Kabupaten (District of)
Sidoarjo and KabupatenTulungagung as the pilot projects.
Since there was no succeed criterion or standard for this approach in addition to be short of data on investment costing, it is hard to measure the effectiveness of the method, especially for diarrhea treatment in this study. Therefore, the economic evaluation of IMCI approach in this study used 'cost minimization' method, which try to find the lowest cost for diarrhea treatment in under five children from two kind approach those are IMCI as cases and Non-IMCI approach as control or comparison approach. Diarrhea treatment management for under five children is the unit analysis of study, whereas the cost analysis applied for operational cost in diarrhea iagnosis including its therapeutic cost.
The result of study showed that treatment by case in IMCI health centers had higher cost compared to cost of treatment in Non-IMCI. On the other side, referred to cost oftherapy, the lowest cost was showed on IMCI method. Furthermore, according to rational therapy, better quality of services and customer (parenthood) satisfaction, IMCI method is more pre-eminence on services and treatment. As a lesson learned from this study, it is recommend that for realization or achievement asse&sment it should be perform economic evaluation through cost effectiveness analysis. Therefore, its all component of data should be available.