ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Berdasarkan RISKESDAS 2013 sebanyak 28,9 anak kelompok usia 5-9 tahun yang memiliki masalah gigi, hanya 35,1 yang menerima perawatan. Penyakit gigi dan mulut yang paling sering terjadi adalah karies gigi, sehingga butuh bahan yang dapat berfungsi sebagai perawatan karies gigi anak yang mudah diaplikasikan dan terjangkau. Tujuan: Diketahuinya perbandingan aktivitas karies dentin sebelum dan sesudah aplikasi propolis fluoride serta hubungannya dengan indeks plak. Metode: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi eksperimental tanpa randomisasi menggunakan data sekunder dengan metode pengambilan sampel convenience sampling. Sebanyak 183 subjek yang memiliki karies dentin dilakukan pengolesan propolis fluoride dan pemeriksaan indeks plak. Evaluasi pemeriksaan dilakukan setelah 1 bulan. Hasil: terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara nilai median karies dentin aktif sebelum 4 permukaan/anak dan setelah 1 bulan 1 permukaan/anak diaplikasikan Propolis Fluoride. Secara statistik terdapat korelasi berpola negatif yang signifikan p=0,015 dan r=-0,177 antara indeks plak dengan persentase karies terhenti. Kesimpulan : Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara aktivitas karies dentin sebelum dan sesudah aplikasi propolis fluoride serta terdapat hubungan yang signifikan dengan indeks plak.
ABSTRACTBackground According to Basic Health Research from 28,9 children aged 5 9 who had dental problems, only 35,1 children received treatment. Dental caries is the most prevalent dental problem, therefore treatment of dental caries that are easy to apply and affordable is needed. Objective The purpose of the study was to determine the comparison of dentine caries activity before and after propolis fluoride application and the correlation with plaque index. Method Design of the study was experimental study nonrandom using secondary data with convenience sampling method. A total of 183 subjects whose teeth have active dentine caries were smeared by propolis fluoride and plaque index were examined. Follow up examination were carried out after 1 month. Results There was a significant difference between the median value of active dentine caries before 4 surfaces children and after 1 month 1 surface children applicated by propolis fluoride. Statistically, there was a significant negative correlation p 0,015 and r 0,177 between plaque index with arrested dentine caries percentage. Conclusion There was a significant difference between dentine caries activity before and after propolis fluoride application and there was a significant correlation with plaque index.Keywords dentine caries plaque index propolis fluoride.