Latar Belakang : PJK disebabkan adanya stenosis pembuluh koroner akibat adanya proses aterosklerosis. Aterosklerosis berhubungan dengan penebalan tunika intima media arteri karotis komunis. Penebalan tunika intima media terjadi akibat kondisi inflamasi sebagai konsekuensi peningkatan sekresi sitokin proinflamasi.
Tujuan : Mengetahui gambaran ketebalan tunika intima media pada pasien PJK stabil dan korelasinya dengan derajat stenosis arteri koroner.
Metode : Dilakukan studi potong lintang pada lima puluh enam pasien PJK stabil yang telah menjalani angiografi koroner. Derajat stenosis arteri koroner dinilai dengan skor Gensini > 40 berat dan le; 40 ringan-sedang . Ketebalan tunika intima media arteri karotis komunis dinilai menggunakan alat USG dan dinyatakan tidak normal jika rerata ketebalannya ge;1mm. Dilakukan analisa statistik untuk melihat korelasi antara tebal tunika intima arteri karotis komunis dengan skor Gensini arteri koroner.
Hasil : Didapatkan rerata Tebal Tunika Intima-Media Arteri Karotis Komunis TTIM AKK gabungan sebesar 0,95 mm SB 0,18 . Nilai median skor gensini adalah 71 kisaran 0-256 . Uji spearman correlation menunjukan hasil korelasi bermakna antara derajat beratnya skor Gensini dan TTIM AKK dengan p.
Background Coronary heart disease CHD is caused by stenosis of coronary artery as the effect of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis has a correlation with the thicken of intimal media of common carotid artery. The thicken of intimal media of common carotid artery happened because of inflammatory process which is a consequencies of increased proinflammatory cytokines.
Objective To determine the correlation between Intimal media thickness IMT with the severity of coronary artery stenosis in patient with stable CHDMethod A cross sectional study was conducted on fifty six stable CHD patient undergoing coronary angiography. Severity of coronary artery stenosis was evaluated using Gensini scoring system 40 severe and le 40 mild moderate. IMT was measured using USG and determined as abnormal if the mean of IMT ge 1mm. Statistical analytic was perform to determine the correlation between CCA IMT with Gensini score of coronary artery.
Results Mean value of combined IMT of common carotid artery IMT CCA was 0.95mm SD 0,18. The median value of Gensini score was 71 range 0 256. The Spearman correlation Test showed a significant correlation between Gensini score severity with IMT CCA p.