Konflik merupakan suatu perselisihan antara dua atau beberapa individu, kelompok atauorganisasi. Konflik antar warga terjadi di Jalan Tambak Manggarai Jakarta Selatan.Konflik tersebut dapat mengganggu kehidupan masyarakat setempat dan sebab itu perlupengamanan dari Polri. Tujuan penulisan tesis ini adalah memberi gambaran kepadamasyarakat bahwa perkelahian antar warga selalu menimbulkan kerugian, membuatmasyarakat sekitar menjadi resah. Peran Tokoh Masyarakat, Tokoh Agama, TokohPemuda, TNI, Polri Dalam Mengatasi Konflik warga di Manggarai Jakarta Selatan sangatdiperlukan baik dalam mencegah ataupun pasca tawuran.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Yaitu denganmengumpulkan data di lapangan dan wawancara langsung kepada masyarakat danpetugas yang mengalami dampak perkelahian antar warga tersebut.Dari hasil penelitian mengenai peran Polri dalam mengatasi konflik antar warga diManggarai Jakarta Selatan adalah antara lain : a Mendorong para tokoh masyarakatmelakukan kesepakatan dengan warganya agar tidak terpengaruh lagi terhadap profokasidari orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab; b Membuat perjanjian dengan wargayang terlibat perkelahian dengan melibatkan tokoh masyarakat, tokoh agama dan tokohpemuda; c Mendorong tokoh masyarakat bisa memberikan contoh yang baik kepadawarganya sebagai pemulai; d Tokoh masyarakat dan tokoh agama menjadi mediatordalam proses mendamaikan konflik.Dengan demikian disamping melaksanakan tugas-tugas pengamanan sebagaimanabiasanya, disarankan Polri mendorong masyarakat lebih sering melakukan kegiatanbersama dengan melibatkan tokoh masyarakat dan tokoh agama
Conflict is a dispute between two or several individuals, group or organization. There wasa conflict happened at Tambak street, Manggarai South Jakarta in March 2017. Becauseof that, the existence of Indonesian National Police was required for handling conflicts insociety. The writing purpose of this thesis is to give an overview for the society thatfighting never give positive impact, infact it would create fidgety among community. Therole of community leader, religious figure, youth figure, military and INP in overcomingconflict in Manggarai ndash South Jakarta is required not only for preventing the fight itselfbut also solving problems after fighting.The research method used is a of qualitative methods by collecting data in the field andinterviewing to the community and officers who experienced the impact caused byresident rsquo s fight at Manggarai ndash South Jakarta.The research result of INP rsquo s role in resolving conflict between society can be seen from a INP could reduce the occurance of conflict by making agreements betweencommunity leader and the society in order to avoid its citizen to get affected bythe provocation of unresponsible people so that the conflict would not beincreased.b INP conducted prevention of subsequent conflicts by making agreement withcitizens who involved with the case along with community leader, religiousfigure and youth figure.c As a role model for its citizens, the community leader provided a good exampleso the citizens would also show good behaviour as well.d The community leader and religious figure acted as a mediator in the peaceprocess of its conflict. It needs several mediation phases, such as the third partybecome a mediator for assitance and advisor.e The community leaders become a forum for receiving inspirations of the citizenbecause they were considered as a person who can accomodate and solveproblems of its citizen.Based on the research can be concluded that INP rsquo s role in the settlement of citizen rsquo sconflict at Tambak street Manggarai ndash South Jakarta had gone well as the citizen rsquo sdemand, the community leaders have performed their duties in accordance withprovisions on both parties in conflict and in accordance with the provisions of district,sub district and DKI Jakarta government