ABSTRAKStres lingkungan seringkali dirasakan oleh penduduk di perkotaan besar. Dalam Riset Kesehatan Dasar Riskesdas tahun 2007 gangguan mental emosional menunjukan angka prevalensi tertinggi di Provinsi Jawa Barat yaitu 20,0. Stres lingkungan berkepanjangan dapat menyebabkan depresi, penurunan motivasi, dan kecemasan berlebihan. Melihat efek negatif yang ditimbulkan maka diperlukan penelitian untuk melihat dampak sumber stres terhadap penduduk di Kota Bekasi. Sumber stres perkotaan seperti polusi, kebisingan, dan suhu ditampalkan untuk melihat wilayah sumber stres paling tinggi dan hubungannya dengan bentuk stres yang ditimbulkan. Sumber stres tertinggi ditemukan di pusat kota, wilayah industri, dan permukiman yang padat. Berdasarkan analisis spasial yang dilakukan ditemukan bahwa sumber stres yang ada hanya mempengaruhi sedikit bentuk stres yang di timbulkan. Dari bentuk stres yang ada ditemukan adaptasi yang dilakukan penduduk Kota Bekasi untuk mengatasi sumber stres lingkungan seperti penggunaan teknologi atau mengurangi intensitas keluar rumah.
ABSTRACTEnvironmental stress is frequently felt by the resident of big cities. Basic Health Research in 2017, emotional mental issue shows the highest prevalence number in West Java, calculated as 20,0. Prolonged environmental stress could cause depression, motivation decrease, and over anxious. As seeing this negative effect appeared, so the research to observe the impact of Bekasi residents sources of stress is needed. Sources of stress in cities, such as pollution, noise, and temperature are being showed to review the region of the highest source of stress and its relation with the form of stress caused. The highest source of stress was found in the downtown, industrial regions, and dense settlement. Based on the spatial analytic that has been done, its discovered that these sources of stress just caused a little impact to the forms of stress. From these forms of stress, the adaption of Bekasi resident to resolve these sources of environmental stress such as technology utilization or more likely to stay at home, were found.