Air limbah RPH yang tidak dikelola dengan baik dapat menimbulkan masalah lingkungan dan sosial. Rumusan masalah pada riset ini adalah praktik pemotongan sapi di RPH X yang belum sesuai dengan prinsip GSP dan fasilitas RPH X yang belum sesuai dengan persyaratan mempengaruhi pengelolaan air limbah RPH X yang berpotensi menyebabkan kualitas air limbah RPH X tidak memenuhi baku mutu dan menimbulkan dampak limbah RPH pada masyarakat yang bertempat tinggal di sekitar RPH X, sehingga dibutuhkan alternatif peningkatan pengelolaan air limbah RPH X. Riset ini mencoba menganalisis praktik pemotongan sapi, fasilitas RPH, pengelolaan air limbah RPH, kualitas air limbah RPH, dan dampak limbah RPH pada masyarakat serta menyusun alternatif peningkatan pengelolaan air limbah RPH X. Riset ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif.
Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa praktik pemotongan sapi di RPH X termasuk kategori kurang sesuai dengan prinsip GSP, fasilitas RPH X termasuk kategori kurang sesuai dengan persyaratan, pengelolaan air limbah RPH X cukup baik, kualitas air outlet IPAL telah memenuhi baku mutu, dan dampak limbah RPH X pada masyarakat berupa gangguan bau yang dirasakan oleh 100% responden dan gangguan kesehatan berupa mual yang dirasakan oleh 41% responden. Alternatif peningkatan pengelolaan air limbah RPH yang dapat dilakukan adalah minimisasi melalui segregasi dan pemanfaatan air limbah RPH X serta pemanfaatan limbah padat RPH X menjadi biogas.
Wastewater of slaughterhouse is not managed optimally can cause environmental and social problems. The study issue is practice of cattle slaughtering in slaughterhouse X that has not in accordance with GSP principle and slaughterhouse X facilities that have not in accordance with standards affecting wastewater management of slaughterhouse X which has potential to cause wastewater quality of slaughterhouse X exceeds water quality standards and cause impact of slaughterhouse waste to communities living around the slaughterhouse, so an alternative to improving wastewater management is needed. This study analyzes the practice of cattle slaughtering, the slaughterhouse facilities, the wastewater management of slaughterhouse, the wastewater quality, the impact of slaughterhouse waste, and compose alternative to improving wastewater management of slaughterhouse. This study exercises quantitative and qualitative methods. The results showed that the practice of cattle slaughtering was categorized into less suitable with GSP principle, the slaughterhouse facilities were categorized into less suitable with standards, the wastewater management of slaughterhouse is quite good, the wastewater quality of WWTP outlet is comply with the water quality standards, and the impact of slaughterhouse waste to the communities living around the slaughterhouse is odor disruption felt by 100% of respondents and health issue are nauseous felt by 41% of respondents. The alternative to improving wastewater management of slaughterhouse is minimization through segregation and utilization of slaughterhouse wastewater and utilization of slaughterhouse solid waste into biogas.