Latar belakang: Korelasi antara indeks volume akhir diastolik ventrikel kiri IVADVKi preoperasi dengan luaran jangka pendek pasca operasi penutupan defek septum atrial sekundum DSAS belum pernah dieksplorasi. Bertujuan untuk mencari korelasi antara IVADVKi preoperasi dengan luaran jangka pendek pasca operasi penutupan DSAS.
Tujuan: Untuk mencari korelasi antara IVADVKi preoperasi dengan luaran jangka pendek pasca operasi penutupan DSAS.
Metode: Kami analisis semua pasien yang dilakukan operasi penutupan DSAS yang diperiksa dengan magnetic resonance imaging MRI kardiak preoperasi dengan Philips Medical System Scanner 1,5 T dengan 32-elements phase sense torso cardiac coil antara Januari 2013-Desember 2017.
Hasil: Terdapat 30 pasien yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi eksklusi dengan nilai IVADVKi yang berkorelasi negatif lemah signifikan r= -0,365, p=0,048 dengan lama rawat ruang intensif hari pasca operasi, korelasi negatif lemah atau sangat lemah nonsignifikan dengan beberapa luaran lainnya.
Kesimpulan: IVADVKi berkorelasi negatif lemah dengan lama rawat ICU pasca operasi penutupan DSAS dan berkorelasi negatif sangat lemah dengan luaran lainnya.
Background: Correlation between preoperative left ventricular end diastolic volume index LVEDVi with short term postoperative outcome after surgical secundum atrial septal defect ASD closure has never been explored. Our aim is to determine the correlation between preoperative LVEDVi and short term postoperative outcome after surgical ASD closure. Objective: To determine the correlation between preoperative LVEDVi and short term postoperative outcome after ASD closure. Methods: We analyzed all consecutive surgical ASD closure patients who underwent cardiac magnetic resonance imaging MRI previously with 1.5 T Philips Medical System Scanner with 32 elements phase sense torso cardiac coil between January 2013 December 2017. Results: There were 30 patients who fulfilled inclusion and exclusion criteria who had weak negative correlation but significant r 0,365, p 0,048 between LVEDVi and with postoperative intensive care unit ICU length of stay LOS days , nonsignificant weak or very weak negative correlations with other outcomes. Conclusion: LVEDVi had a weak negative correlation with ICU LOS post surgical closure of secundum ASD and a very weak negative correlation with other outcomes.