ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas adanya pengukuhan stereotip perempuan Cina dan keturunannya di Amerika yang direpresentasikan oleh tiga tokoh perempuan tiga generasi dalam opera The Bonesetter rsquo;s Daughter 2001 yang merupakan alih wahana dari novel berjudul sama. Menggunakan metode kajian alih wahana dari Sapardi Djoko Damono dan Linda Hutcheon, tahap pertama analisis adalah membandingkan perubahan struktur tekstual novel dan opera. Temuan dari analisis struktural, kemudian dibahas aspek ras dan gendernya dengan menggunakan konsep stereotip ras dan gender, serta dibaca dengan pendekatan feminisme multikultural. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat pergeseran gambaran perempuan di opera yang kontras dengan penggambaran di dalam novel. Ketiga tokoh perempuan di dalam novel bergerak melawan tradisi dan stereotip yang masih digunakan oleh masyarakat di lingkungannya, namun ketiga tokoh perempuan beda generasi tersebut tetap melakukan resistensi demi mencapai kebebasannya sebagai individu. Sedangkan di opera, usaha resistensi tersebut berkurang banyak, sehingga perempuan dari tiga generasi tersebut digambarkan lebih patuh terhadap tradisi yang sejalan dengan stereotip selama ini.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses the affirmation of stereotypes of Chinese women and their descendants in America represented by three female characters of three generations in the opera The Bonesetter 39 s Daughter 2001 which is the adaptation from its novel. Applying the adaptation study method from Sapardi Djoko Damono and Linda Hutcheon, the first stage of the analysis was to compare changes in the textual structure of novel and opera. The findings of structural analysis, then discussed the aspects of race and gender by using the concept of racial and gender stereotypes, and read the material with the approach of multicultural feminism. The results of the analysis show that there is a shift in the image of women in opera that contrasts with the depiction in the novel. The three female characters in the novel move against traditions and stereotypes that are still used by people in their environment, and the three female characters of different generations are still doing resistance in order to achieve their freedom as individuals. While in the opera, resistance efforts are much reduced, so women of three generations are described as more obedient to the tradition that is in line with the long run stereotype.