ABSTRAKPraktik kerja profesi di PT. Medifarma Laboratories Periode Bulan Agustus-September 2017 bertujuan untuk mengetahui tugas dan tanggung jawab apoteker di industri farmasi dan memahami penerapan Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik CPOB di Industi Farmasi. Selain itu calon apoteker juga dapat memiliki gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan pekerjaan kefarmasian di industri farmasi, memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian di industri farmasi. Tugas khusus yang diberikan yaitu berjudul ldquo;Value Stream Mapping Produk Jadi rdquo;. Tujuan dari tugas khusus ini adalah mengidentifikasi waste dan akar penyebab waktu tunggu proses pengiriman produk jadi dan penumpukan produk jadi di secondary packaging, staging area dan warehouse, serta mengusulkan ide continous improvement untuk mengurangi waktu tunggu dan penumpukan produk jadi di secondary packaging, staging area, dan warehouse.
ABSTRACTInternship at PT. Medifarma Laboratories month period August-September 2017 aims to understand the duties and responsibilities of pharmacists in the pharmaceutical industry and the understanding of the application of good manufacturing practice GMP in the pharmaceutical industry. In addition, the pharmacist candidate can also have the insight, knowledge, skills and practical experience to undertake pharmaceutical work in the pharmaceutical industry. The special assignment given is ldquo;Value Stream Mapping of Finished Goods rdquo;. The purpose of this special assignment is to identify waste and root cause of lead time of finished product delivery and accumulation of finished product in secondary packaging, staging area and warehouse, and propose continous improvement idea to reduce lead time and accumulation of finished product in secondary packaging, staging area and warehouse