ABSTRAKPraktik kerja profesi di PT Finusolprima Farma Internasional Periode Bulan Januari ndash; Februari Tahun 2018 bertujuan untuk mengetahui tugas dan tanggung jawab apoteker di industri farmasi dan memahami penerapan Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik CPOB di Industi Farmasi. Selain itu, calon apoteker juga dapat memiliki gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan pekerjaan kefarmasian di industri farmasi, memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian di industri farmasi. Tugas khusus yang diberikan yaitu berjudul ldquo;Gap Analysis Matrix Regulasi PIC/S 2017, CPOB 2012, WHO TRS, dan EU GMP Guidelines dan Gap Analysis pada Departemen QA PT Finusolprima Farma Internasional rdquo;. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan tugas khusus di PT Finusolprima Farma Internasional adalah agar calon apoteker mampu membuat matriks gap analysis berdasarkan pedoman GMP PIC/S 2017, CPOB 2012, WHO TRS, dan EU GMP Guidelines dan melakukan gap analysis pada Departemen QA PT Finusolprima Farma Internasional.
ABSTRACTInternship at PT Finusolprima Farma Internasional Plant Period January - February 2018 aims to understand the duties and responsibilities of pharmacists in the pharmaceutical industry and the understanding of the application of good manufacturing practice GMP in the pharmaceutical industry. In addition, the prospective pharmacist can also have insight, knowledge, skills and practical experience to undertake pharmaceutical practices in the pharmaceutical industry. The special assignment given is ldquo;Gap Analysis Matrix of PIC/S 2017 GMP Guidelines, CPOB 2012, WHO TRS, dan EU GMP Guidelines and Gap Analysis of Quality Assurance Department of PT Finusolprima Farma Internasional rdquo;. The objective of this special assignment is so that prospective pharmacist is able to create gap analysis matrix based on PIC/S 2017, CPOB 2012, WHO TRS, dan EU GMP Guidelines and conduct a gap analysis in the QA Department of PT Finusolprima Farma Internasional.