Tujuan dari riset studi ini adalah untuk menganalisa pengaruh dari faktor-faktor yakni information overload, fear of missing out, dan privacy concern terhadap munculnya social networking services (SNS) fatigue dan discontinuous intention. Sampel dari riset ini mencakup para anak muda Indonesia yang merupakan pengguna Instagram yang bertempat tinggal di area Jabodetabek. Data yang didapatkan dari para responden kemudian di proses menggunakan analisis Structual Equation Modelling (SEM).
Hasil penemuan dari riset ini menunjukan bahwa variabel information overload dan fear of missing out memiliki pengaruh positif yang signifikan terhadap munculnya SNS fatigue yang kemudian juga dapat mempengaruhi discontinuous intention dari para pengguna Instagram. Kemudian, terdapat juga pengaruh langsung yang positif dan signifikan dari variabel information overload kepada variabel discontinuous intention. Sementara itu, ditemukan pengaruh yang tidak signifikan dari variabel privacy concern pada variabel SNS fatigue dan juga discontinuous intention.
This research study aims to analyze the influence of factors namely information overload, fear of missing out, as well as privacy concern on social networking services (SNS) users experience of SNS fatigue. In addition to that, this research as well discover the particular influence of the preceding factors on the subsequent emergence of SNS users discontinuance intention to utilize the platforms services that in the case of this study focuses on Instagram. The samples in this research are young and educated Indonesian Instagram users who reside in the area of greater Jakarta. The data from the fellow respondents was processed by utilizing the technique of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The findings of this study have discovered that information overload and fear of missing out have a positive and significant influence on the construct of SNS fatigue which then as well can positively and significantly influence the users discontinuance intention. Next, this study also found that there is a direct positive and significant influence of information overload to users intention to discontinue their SNS utilization. On the other hand, privacy concern however is found to not significantly influencing both the experience of SNS fatigue as well as SNS discontinuance usage intention.