Pendekatan teori keperawatan dalam pelaksanaan pemberian asuhan keperawatan merupakan salah satu tujuan dari pelaksanan program ners spesialis keperawatan medikal bedah. Teori keperawatan dapat diterapkan dalam berbagai masalah yang dihadapi oleh pasien, seperti halnya masalah pada pasien dengan gangguan sistim perkemihan. Pasien dengan masalah gangguan pada sistim perkemihan akan mengalami berbagai perubahan pada sistim keseimbangan tubuh, sehingga tubuh memerlukan suatu proses adaptasi. Pendekatan teori adaptasi Roy, melalui mekanisme koping, sistim regulator dan kognator dapat mengatasi perilaku adaptif maupun maladaptif yang dialami oleh pasien berdasarkan hasil pengkajian perilaku dan stimulus. Pelaksanaan penerapan Evidence Based Nursing: melalui pemberian intervensi keperawatan non farmakologi: Aerobic Exercise Intradialytic pada pasien Chronic Kidney Disease Stage V yang menjalani hemodialisis, terbukti dapat meningkatkan pencapaian adekuasi dialisis pasien. Hasil penerapan proyek inovasi penggunaan model the activated health education melalui media edukasi flipchart mengenai terapi pengganti ginjal terbukti berpengaruh dan mampu meningkat pengetahuan pasien mengenai terapi pengganti ginjal.
The concept of nursing care implementation is one of the objectives medical nursing specialist medical programs. Nursing theory can be applied to various problems issued by patients, as well as problems in patients with urinary system problems. Patients with problems in the urinary system will be changes in the bodys balance system, so the body needs an adaptation process. Roys adaptation theory, through coping regulations, regulator and kognator system can overcome the adaptation and maladaptive problems needed by patients based on the results of behavioral and stimulus assesment. Nursing-Based Evidence Implementation: through the implementation of non-pharmacological nursing interventions: Intradialytic Aerobic Exercise in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Stage V on hemodialysis, can improve patient dialysis adequacy. The model of health education application the activated through flipchart education media on kidney prevention therapy has been able to increase patient knowledge about kidney therapy.