Masa transisi di perguruan tinggi menjadi tantangan dan beban tersendiri bagi mahasiswa tahun pertama. Bagi sebagian besar mahasiswa tahun pertama periode tersebut dapat mengganggu kesehatan mental dan kesejahteraan psikologisnya. Sehingga mereka dituntut untuk berhasil menyesuaikan diri di perguruan tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dimensi-dimensi mindfulness ; acting with awareness , non judging of inner experience, non reactivity of inner experience, describing, dan observing dengan college adjustment mahasiswa tahun pertama. Penelitian dilakukan pada 107 mahasiswa tahun pertama berusia 16-22 tahun. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan pada dimensi Acting with awarenes, non judging of inner experience, dan describing terhadap college adjustment pada mahasiswa tahun pertama. Sementara non reactivity of inner experience dan observing tidak menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap college adjustment. penelitian ini berguna untuk menambah memperkaya ilmu pengetahuan terkait faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi college adjustment khususnya dimensi-dimensi mindfulness.
Transitional period to college is both a challenge and a burden for first year college students. This may disturb students mental health and psychological well being, therefore they are expected to successfully adjust to college. This study aimed to understand the effect of mindfulness dimensions, which are acting with awareness, non judging of inner experience, non reactivity of inner experience, describing, and observing with college adjustment on first year college students. This study was conducted on 107 first year college students between 16 and 22 years old. Results showed significantly positive and significant correlation on the dimensions of Acting with Awarenes, non-judging of inner experience, and describing the college adjustment in first-year students. While non reactivity of inner experience and observing did not show a significant correlation on college adjustment. this research is useful to add to enriching science related to the factors that influence college adjustment, especially the dimensions of mindfulness . This study also aimed to enrich the knowledge regarding factors affecting college adjustment, especially dimensions of mindfulness