Pada periode postpartum, orang tua harus beradaptasi dengan perubahan keseimbangan kondisi fisik dan mental mereka. Kegagalan untuk beradaptasi dapat menyebabkan depresi pada kedua orang tua. Dalam penelitian ini, kami bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kejadian depresi ayah pada periode postpartum dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi di Jakarta, Indonesia. Penelitian cross-sectional ini melibatkan 390 ayah dengan pengambilan sampel berturut-turut. Depresi ayah diukur menggunakan EPDS versi Indonesia. Instrumen lain yang digunakan adalah versi Bahasa Indonesia dari Family Coping Questionnaire dan Postpartum Social Support Questionnaire, Dyadic Adjustment Scale dan Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 36,7% ayah berisiko mengalami depresi pada periode postpartum dan faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan hubungan dengan pasangannya (rasio odds [OR] = 34,43, interval kepercayaan 95% [CI]: 15,8-74,6) , dukungan sosial (OR = 33.728, 95% CI 15.4-73.8), ikatan ayah dan bayi (OR = 17.816, 95% CI 8., 9-35.4), pendapatan keluarga (OR = 2.415, 95% CI: 1.323-4.411 ), dan status pekerjaan (OR = 0,091, 95% CI: 0,01-0,8) Penelitian ini memberikan wawasan tentang kondisi ayah selama periode postpartum di Indonesia. Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk menyelidiki faktor-faktor psikososial ayah lainnya selama periode childbearing di Indonesia.
In the postpartum period, parents must adapt to changes in the balance of their physical and mental conditions. Failure to adapt can lead to depression in either parent. In this study, we aimed to identify the incidence of paternal depression in the postpartum period and the influencing factors in Jakarta, Indonesia. This cross-sectional study involved in 390 fathers with consecutive sampling. Paternal depression was measured using the Indonesian version of the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale. Other instruments used were the Indonesian version of the Family Coping Questionnaire and Postpartum Social Support Questionnaire, Dyadic Adjustment Scale, and the Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire. The results revealed that approximately 36.7% of fathers are at risk for depression in the postpartum period and the influencing factors are satisfaction of relations with their partner (odds ratio [OR]=34.43, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 15.8-74.6), social support (OR = 33,728, 95% CI 15.4-73.8), father and baby bonding (OR = 17,816, 95% CI 8.,9-35.4), family income (OR = 2.415, 95% CI: 1.323-4.411), and working status (OR = 0.091, 95% CI: 0.01-0.8) This study provides insight into the father's condition during the postpartum period in Indonesia. Further research is needed to investigate other psychosocial factors of the father during the childbearing years in Indonesia.