Halusinasi pendengaran dapat memberikan dampak negatif, yaitu membuat klien merasa sangat stres terutama jika isi halusinasi merendahkan klien dan memberikan perintah yang buruk. Penulisan karya ilmiah akhir ners ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan Standar asuhan keperawatan pada Tn. D (30 tahun) dengan halusinasi pendengaran berdasarkan model
self management. Intervensi Standar asuhan keperawatan yaitu mengidentifikasi halusinasi, melatih klien mengontrol halusinasi dengan menghardik, bercakap-cakap, melakukan aktivitas, dan patuh minum obat. Model
self management terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu
assessment of voice hearers experience, nursing interventions, dan
voice hearers outcomes. Hasil dari karya ilmiah ini menunjukkan klien mengalami penurunan gejala halusinasi dari skor 20 menjadi 3, dan peningkatakan kemampuan mengontrol halusinasi dari skor 1 menjadi 10, serta klien mampu memilih strategi yang terbaik untuk mengurangi gejala halusinasi pendengaran. Model
self management dapat diadaptasi untuk mengembangkan standar asuhan keperawatan jiwa yang selama ini telah digunakan dengan tujuan meningkatkan mutu pelayanan asuhan keperawatan kepada klien.
Haring hallucinations can cause negative effects, which is to make clients feel very dispressed due to the voices degrading themselves and telling them to do bad things. This scientific writing aims to analyse the implementation of nursing care standards on Mr. D (30 years old) with hearing hallucination based on self-management model. The interventions of nursing care standards are identify hallucinations, train clients to control hallucinations by rebuking, talk to someone, doing activites, and taking medication. Self-management model comprises of three parts: assessment of voice hearers experience, nursing interventions and voice hearers outcomes. The result of the writing shows that clients experience a decrease in hallucinatory symptoms from a score of 20 to 3, and an increase in the ability to control hallucinations from a score of 1 to 10, and clients are able to decide the strategy they think most effective to overcome hearing hallucinations as well as the reduction of their hallucination symptoms. The self-management model can be adapted to develop mental nursing care standards that have been used so far with the aim of improving the quality of nurisng care for clients.