Masalah kesehatan jiwa merupakan salah satu faktor terbesar yang menyebabkan penurunan kemampuan serta kualitas hidup pasien di dunia. Saat ini, pandangan negatif terhadap pasien psikiatri masih berkembang di tengah masyarakat umum, termasuk di kalangan mahasiswa kedokteran. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan keterbatasan pemberian layanan kesehatan bagi pasien psikiatri. Peneliti ingin mengetahui apakah pandangan-pandangan yang ada berkorelasi dengan waktu studi dan rotasi klinik. Metode yang digunakan adalah cross sectional dengan mahasiswa kedokteran (pada tahun pertama, ketiga, keempat, serta alumni) sebagai subyeknya. Data kemudian diolah dengan analisis chi-square. Dua ratus dua puluh empat mahasiswa turut berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini, dengan rata-rata responden berusia 21 tahun (standar deviasi 2.03). Secara umum, pandangan mahasiswa kedokteran di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia positif terhadap pasien psikiatri. Tidak ada perbedaan pandangan yang signifikan di antara keempat golongan mahasiswa tersebut (p>0.05), kecuali pada pernyataan, “Psychiatric patients should be treated in specialized facilities away from general hospitals.” Rotasi klinik serta lama waktu studi tidak mempengaruhi pandangan mahasiswa terhadap pasien psikiatri.
Mental illness has become the leading cause of disability and impairment affecting patient around the world. Nowadays the negative view towards patients with mental illness is widely spread among society, including medical students. Unless the negative views are vanished, mental healthcare services to the patient would not be maximal. Researcher wants to know whether period of studying and clinical rotation affects the attitudes of medical students. A cross-sectional has done in order to determine the view of medical student in Universitas Indonesia toward psychiatric patient. Data collected were analyzed by chi-square analysis. The samples were medical students Universitas Indonesia at the first year, fourth year, fifth year, and alumni. There were 224 respondents participated with the mean (+SD) age is 21 years old (+2.03). In general, the attitudes towards psychiatric patient among medical students in Universitas Indonesia are positive. Significant result was found in statement "Psychiatric patients should be treated in specialized facilities away from general hospitals." Period of studying and psychiatric clinical rotation is not affecting the attitudes of medical students toward psychiatric patients in Universitas Indonesia.