ABSTRAKThis writing discusses how Indonesia achieving its interests to become a world maritime axis. Where in this context the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) is used as an instrument to actualize these interests. Indonesia is one of the members as well as having
served as chairman of the IORA in the period 2015 until 2017. The main focus in the IORA is about the economy, where regional stability in particular maritime security play crucial roles in achieving it. Considering that there are many crimes occur in the IORA
territorial waters especially piracy cases, the security of the IORA waters is an important issue. Seeing this condition can be an opportunity for Indonesia to show its position in the international world as an active country in handling security maritime matters.
The results of this writing will also be expected to become recommendations for the Indonesian government regarding strategies that can be taken so that Indonesias goals as a world maritime axis can be achieved.