Saat ini semakin ketatnya persaingan di industri ritel serta momentum tren produk lifestyle membuat penting bagi setiap toko untuk mempunyai konsep dan strategi untuk menarik konsumen. Variety store atau lifestyle retail merupakan toko yang menjual berabagai kategori produk dalam satu merek. Dalam melakukan evaluasi produk dan keinginan melakukan pembelian kembali, aspek country of origin dan store image dapat menjadi suatu pertimbangan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh country of origin terhadap product evaluation dan repurchase intention, serta menganalisis pengaruh store image terhadap product evaluation dan repurchase intention pada konsumen Miniso di Jabodetabek. Data primer diperoleh dari 100 konsumen Miniso yang berdomisili di Jabodetabek melalui kuesioner. Teknik pengumpulan data nonprobability sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Metode dalam menganalisis penelitian kuantitatif ini adalah Analisis Regresi Berganda. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan apabila country of origin dan store image secara simultan dianalsis terhadap product evaluation serta menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan pula apabila country of origin dan store image secara simultan dianalsis terhadap repurchase intention. Namun, apabila dilihat secara parsial country of origin tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap repurchase intention.
Nowadays the increasingly intense competition in the retail industry and the momentum of lifestyle products trends makes it important for every store to have concepts and strategies to attract consumers. Variety store or lifestyle retail is a store that sells various product categories in one brand. In evaluating products and purchasing decisions, aspects of country of origin and store image can be taken into consideration. Thus, this study aims to analyze the influence of country-of-origin on product evaluation and repurchase intention, and analyze the effect of store images on product evaluation and repurchase intention on Miniso customers in Greater Jakarta. Primary data were obtained from 100 Miniso consumers who live in Jabodetabek through questionnaire. The nonprobability sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The method in analyzing this quantitative research is Multiple Regression Analysis. The results show that there is a significant effect if the country of origin and store image are simultaneously analyzed toward product evaluation and also show a significant effect if the country of origin and store image are simultaneously analyzed toward repurchase intention. However, when viewed partially, the COO does not have a significant effect on the repurchase intention.