ABSTRAKIndustri fashion merupakan salah satu penyumbang polusi terbesar di dunia. Tidak hanya perusahaan sebagai produsen namun juga konsumen harus turut bertanggungjawab atas kondisi ini. Paradigma circular economy sebagai model bisnis berupaya untuk mengurangi sumberdaya baru yang digunakan dan juga mengurangi sampah yang dihasilkan dengan mentransformasi sistem produksi dan konsumsi. Konsumsi kolaboratif, seperti menyewa dan membeli produk bekas pakai diajukan sebagai salah satu langkah potensial menuju praktek konsumsi yang berkelanjutan. Namun masih sedikit penilitian yang menggali penenti perilaku konsumsi kolaborasi ini terutama pada konteks produk fashion di negara berkembang. Penelitian ini mengembangkan model teoritis dengan menggabungkan konsep dari pengetahuan produk, persepsi benefit, dengan theory of perceived risk dan theory of planned behavior. Pendekatan kuantitatif dan metode structural equation modeling digunakan didalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian yang melibatkan 342 responden menunjukkan bahwa persepsi risiko dan persepsi benefit mempengaruhi attitude terhadap konsumsi fashion kolaboratif, dan kemudian attitude mempengaruhi intensi konsumen dalam melakukan konsumsi fashion kolaboratif. Implikasi teoritis dan manajerial akan dibahas didalam penelitian ini.
ABSTRACTThe fashion industry is one of the most pollutant industries in the world. Not only companies as a producer but also consumers responsible for the current state of the fashion industry. The circular economy paradigm attempt to reduce waste generation and new resources used by transforming the production and consumption system. Collaborative consumption, like renting and buying used products instead of the new ones, is proposed to be a potential step toward more sustainable consumption practices. However, little is known about the determinants of this collaborative consumer behavior especially in fashion products in a developing country. A theoretical model is developed by integrating the concepts of product knowledge, perceived benefit, with the theory of perceived risk and theory of planned behavior. A quantitative approach involving 342 respondents and structural equation modeling were employed in this study. The result shows that perceived risk and perceived benefit influence attitude toward collaborative fashion consumption, and this attitude influences intention toward collaborative fashion consumption. Implications for collaborative consumption research and practitioners, the theory of planned behavior, and the theory of perceived risk, are discussed.