Kualitas Hidup senantiasa diteliti untuk mengetahui kepuasan individu terhadap kehidupannya. Individu senantiasa menghadapi kondisi stres yang disebabkan oleh stressor setiap harinya dapat memberikan dampak terhadap distres psikologis. Distres psikologis merupakan masalah kesehatan mental yang sedang banyak dialami oleh individu. Kondisi distres membuat seseorang rentan terhadap ketidakpuasan dalam hidupnya sehingga menurunkan tingkat kualitas hidup. Meskipun demikian, dukungan sosial yang dirasakan oleh anggota kelompok dukungan hadir untuk mengatasi kondisi tersebut sebagai bentuk peer support group. Peran distres psikologis dan perceived social support diuji secara bersamaan terhadap tingkat kualitas hidup anggota kelompok dukungan. Kuesioner penelitian kuantitatif disebarkan secara daring kepada 114 Partisipan anggota kelompok dukungan mental yang berdomisili di Jabodetabek. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah WHO Quality Of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) oleh WHO (1998), Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 (HSCL-25) yang diadaptasi dari Turnip dan Hauff (2007) dan Multidimensional Scale of Social Support (MSPSS) oleh Zimet et al. (1988). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat peran distres psikologis dan perceived social support pada tingkat quality of life anggota kelompok dukungan (F(2, 94)= 67.24, p<.000, R2 = .589). Peningkatan distres psikologis dan perceived social support menentukan tingkat quality of life.
Quality of Life is always researched to determine individual satisfaction with his life. Individuals always face stress conditions caused by stressors every day that can have an impact on psychological distress. Psychological distress is a mental health problem that is being experienced by many individuals. Distress conditions make a person vulnerable to dissatisfaction in his life thereby reducing the level of quality of life. Nevertheless, the social support felt by members of the mental health community is there to overcome this condition as a form of peer support group. The role of psychological distress and perceived social support are tested simultaneously on the level of quality of life of members of the support group. The quantitative research questionnaire was distributed online to 114 support group member who is domiciled in Jabodetabek. Measuring instruments used in this study are WHO Quality Of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) by WHO (1998), Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 (HSCL-25) adapted from Turnip and Hauff (2007) and Multidimensional Scale of Social Support (MSPSS) ) by Zimet et al. (1988). The results showed that there was a role for psychological distress and perceived social support in the level of quality of life of members of the support group (F (2, 94) = 67.24, p <.000, R2 = .589). Increased psychological distress and perceived social support determine the level of quality of life.