Bea dan Cukai Bandara Soekarno-Hatta merupakan salah satu institusi penegakan hukum yang bertugas menangani penyelundupan narkoba melalui Bandara Soekarno-Hatta. Visualisasi terhadap peran bea dan cukai dalam menangani kasus penyelundupan narkoba memiliki unsur penggentarjeraan. Unsur tersebut dapat dianalisa menggunakan pendekatan kriminologi visual melalui berbagai foto Trophy shot Bea dan Cukai yang dipublikasi melalui berita online. Tulisan ini berfokus pada konteks visual, mengulas bagaimana visualisasi peran Bea dan Cukai Bandara Soekarno-Hatta dalam menangani kasus penyelundupan narkoba melalui foto trophy shot Bea dan Cukai Bandara Soekarno-Hatta yang dipublikasikan oleh portal berita online dalam kurun waktu 2017-2019. Kerangka berpikir dan analisis tulisan ini dilandasi pada pemikiran Stack (2010) dan Winters (2014) terkait karakteristik hukuman, konsep Trophy Shot yang dikemukakan oleh Linemann (2016), dan konsep image work policing. Karakteristik Hukuman yang dimaksud adalah Kepastian (certainty), Kelancaran (celerity), Keparahan (severity), dan Proporsionalitas. Penulis mengelompokkan foto trophy shot yang menggambarkan peran Bea dan Cukai Bandara Soekarno-Hatta dalam menangani penyelundupan narkoba ke dalam 4 jenis, yaitu Trophy shot saat petugas Bea dan Cukai menjalankan tindakan pemolisian pencegahan penyelundupan narkoba, Trophy shot barang bukti, Trophy shot pelaku penyelundupan narkoba, dan Trophy shot saat konferensi pers berlangsung. Hasilnya, Trophy shot yang memvisualisasikan peran Bea dan Cukai dalam menangani kasus penyelundupan narkoba dapat membangun citra tentang efek penggentarjeraan dan menggambarkan penerapan image work policing.
Soekarno-Hatta Airport Directorate General of Customs and Excise is one of the law enforcement institutions tasked with handling drug smuggling through Soekarno-Hatta Airport. Visualization of the role of Customs and Excise in handling drug smuggling cases has an element of general deterrence. These element can be analyzed using visual criminology approach through various trophy shot of Customs and Excise that published through online news. This paper focuses on the visual context, reviewing how the visualization of the role of the Customs and Excise of Soekarno-Hatta Airport in handling drug smuggling cases through a trophy shot of Customs and Excise of Soekarno-Hatta Airport that published by online news portals in the period 2017-2019. The thinking and analysis framework of this paper is based on the thought of Stack (2010) and Winters (2014) regarding the characteristics of punishment, the concept of the trophy shot that proposed by Linemann (2016), and the concept of image work policing. The characteristics of the punishment referred to are certainty, celerity, severity and proportionality. The Author grouped trophy shot photos that illustrate the role of Customs and Excise of Soekarno-Hatta Airport in dealing with drug smuggling into 4 types, namely (1) Trophy shots when customs and excise officers carry out policing measures to prevent drug smuggling, (2) Trophy shots of drug smugglers, (3) Trophy shots of evidence, and (4) Trophy shot during the press conference. As a result, the Trophy shot that visualizes the role of Customs and Excise in handling drug smuggling cases can build an image of the deterrence effects and illustrates the application of image work policing.