ABSTRAKKetidakseimbangan termoregulasi berisiko terjadi pada Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah secara
struktur tubuh masih belum matang. Tujuan penulisan karya ilmiah akhir ini adalah
memberikan gambaran tentang bagaimana penerapan model konservasi Levine dalam
proses asuhan keperawatan pada bayi berat lahir rendah untuk mencegah
ketidakseimbangan termoregulasi, juga memberikan gambaran langkah pencegahannya
selama transport BBLR intra hospital. Pada lima kasus kelolaan, masalah termoregulasi
yang terjadi meliputi inefektif termoregulasi, risiko inefektif termoregulasi, hipotermia
dan hipertermia. Pendekatan teori Konservasi Levine menggunakan prinsip konservasi
energi, konservasi integritas struktural, konservasi integritas personal dan konservasi
integritas sosial dilakukan sebagai intervensi keperawatan dalam mengatasi masalah
termoregulasi. Evaluasi yang didapatkan, masalah ketidakseimbangan termoregulasi
dapat teratasi selama perawatan. Selanjutnya langkah pencegahan ketidakseimbangan
termoregulasi pada BBLR yang baru lahir selama transportasi intra hospital dilakukan
dengan penyusunan Standar Prosedur Operasional Transportasi BBLR Intra hospital
dengan Kangaroo Care berdasarkan model konservasi Levine.
Thermoregulatory imbalances are at risk for Low Birth Weight Infants, the body
structure is still immature. The purpose of writing this final scientific paper is to
provide an overview of how the application of the Levine conservation model in the
nursing care process in low birth weight infants to prevent thermoregulatory
imbalance, as well as provide an overview of its preventive measures during intrahospital LBW transport. In five cases of management, thermoregulation problems
that occurred include ineffective thermoregulation, thermoregulatory ineffective
risks, hypothermia and hyperthermia. The Levine Conservation theory approach
uses the principles of energy conservation, conservation of structural integrity,
conservation of personal integrity and conservation of social integrity carried out as
nursing interventions in overcoming the problem of thermoregulation. Evaluation
obtained, the problem of thermoregulation imbalance can be resolved during
treatment. The next step is to prevent thermoregulation imbalance in newborn LBW
during intra-hospital transportation by preparing Standard Operating Procedures
for LBW Intra-hospital Transportation with Kangaroo Care based on the Levine
conservation model.