ABSTRAKSebagai salah satu bank big four di Australia, The Commonwealth Bank of Australia
tidak luput dari berbagai macam skandal dalam lima tahun terakhir. Selama bertahun-tahun,
CBA beberapa kali terungkap telah melanggar Kode Etiknya sendiri termasuk penipuan
keuangan dan pelanggaran privasi informasi pelanggan. Sebagai bank yang sangat
mengandalkan teknologi informasi, tata kelola internal CBA terkait sistem informasi belum
sepenuhnya efektif terbukti dengan pembobolan yang dilakukan oleh personelnya sendiri
beberapa tahun terakhir ini. Terlepas dari semua hal di atas, pandangan CBA tentang Corporate
Social Responsibility dapat dilihat melalui Code of Conduct CBA yang secara khusus
membahas pedoman tentang pengambilan keputusan yang akan memengaruhi consumer dan
ABSTRACTBeing one of Australia`s big four banks, The Commonwealth Bank of Australia
(CBA) is still not free from scandals in the past five years. Throughout the years, CBA was
exposed several times for having breached its own Code of Conduct including financial fraud
and breach of customer information privacy. As a bank that relies heavily on information
technology, CBA`s internal governance concerning information system is not entirely effective
proven by breaches done by its own personnel in the recent years. Despite all of the above,
CBA`s views on Corporate Social Responsibilities can be seen through its Code of Conduct
which specifically addresses guidelines about decision makings that would affect the