Seorang apoteker memegang peranan penting di distributor/pedagang besar farmasi, apotek, dan industri farmasi. Apoteker harus memenuhi standar kompetensi sebagai persyaratan untuk memasuki dunia kerja dan menjalani praktik profesi. Standar kompetensi apoteker Indonesia terdiri dari sepuluh standar kompetensi sebagai kemampuan yang diharapkan apoteker saat lulus dan masuk ke tempat praktik kerja profesi. Sebagai bekal dan pengalaman calon apoteker untuk dapat memahami peran apoteker dan meningkatkan kompetensi, maka dilaksanakan Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker di PT Sam Marie Tramedifa, Apotek Atrika, dan PT Soho Industri Pharmasi selama periode bulan Februari-Agustus 2020. Selama PKPA, diharapkan calon apoteker dapat memperluas wawasan, pemahaman, dan pengalaman untuk melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian di tempat praktik kerja profesi.
Pharmacists play important roles in pharmacy, pharmaceutical industry, and pharmaceutical distributor or wholesaler. As a requirement to enter practical working environment, a graduated pharmacist must fulfil the Indonesian Pharmacist Competency Standards (Standar Kompetensi Apoteker Indonesia) which consisted of ten competency standards. Internships at PT SamMarie Tramedifa, Apotek Atrika, and PT Soho Industri Pharmasi were done to provide practical working experiences for pharmacist candidates so they can gain a better understanding of what their roles are and enhance their competencies. During the internship period from February to August 2020, pharmacist candidates were expected to expand their knowledge and continually update their skills as required to enable them to perform pharmaceutical profession at the mentioned workplaces.