Latar Belakang: Kolik infantil adalah suatu gangguan saluran cerna fungsional bayi
usia 0 – 5 bulan yang meliputi periode menangis yang lama serta sulit untuk
ditenangkan. Meskipun kolik infantil biasanya akan hilang dengan sendirinya, kolik
infantil menjadi sumber masalah bagi bayi, orang tua, dan petugas kesehatan.
Pengetahuan dan perilaku ibu terkait kolik infantil di Indonesia belum pernah
dilaporkan sehingga penelitian ini hendak mencari tingkat pengetahuan dan perilaku ibu
serta faktor-faktor yang berhubungan.
Tujuan: Mengetahui prevalensi kolik infantil serta tingkat pengetahuan dan perilaku
ibu terhadap kolik infantil.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi observasi cross-sectional analitik. Kuesioner
untuk menilai pengetahuan dan perilaku ibu terhadap kolik infantil dibagikan kepada
sampel yang dipilih secara acak. Nilai pengetahuan dan perilaku ibu kemudian
dianalisis dengan faktor demografis usia ibu, status sosioekonomi, dan jumlah anak.
Hasil: Prevalensi kolik infantil ditemukan sebesar 13,1%. Nilai median dan IQR
pengetahuan ibu terhadap kolik infantil adalah 8 (2) dari skor maksimal 12, sedangkan
nilai median dan IQR perilaku ibu terhadap kolik infantil adalah 10 (2) dari skor
maksimal 14. Nilai pengetahuan ibu ditemukan berbeda secara signifikan pada faktor
sosioekonomi. Ibu dengan status sosioekonomi atas memiliki skor pengetahuan 10 (2)
dibandingkan ibu dengan status sosioekonomi menengah dengan skor 8 (4).
Kesimpulan: Pengetahuan ibu ditemukan berbeda bermakna pada status sosioekonomi
ibu yang berbeda. Masih terdapat pengetahuan dan perilaku ibu yang belum tepat terkait
kolik infantil sehingga dapat menjadi bahan edukasi bagi tenaga kesehatan untuk
meningkatkan kesadaran ibu tentang kolik infantil.
Background: Infantile colic is a functional gastrointestinal disorder (FGID) of aged 0 –
5 months babies that consists of a prolonged and hard-to-soothe crying period. Although
infantile colic will naturally stop, it is a known source of problem for the baby, parents,
and health workers. Knowledge and attitude of mothers on infantile colic in Indonesia
have never been reported before, thus this study will assess mother’s knowledge and
attitude about infantile colic and related factors that may influence them.
Goal: To find out prevalence of infantile colic and knowledge and attitude of mother on
infantile colic.
Methods: This study was an observational analytical cross-sectional study.
Questionnaires to evaluate knowledge and attitude of mothers toward infantile colic
were given to randomly assigned samples. Score of mother’s knowledge and attitude
were analyzed with demographic factors, such as mother’s age, socioeconomic status,
and number of children.
Results: Infantile colic prevalence was found to be 13.1%. The median and IQR of
mother’s knowledge score was 8 (2) from maximal score of 12 while the median and
IQR of mother’s attitude score was 10 (2) from maximal score of 14. A statistically
significant difference was found on mother’s knowledge with different socioeconomic
status. Mothers with high socioeconomic status had knowledge score of 10 (2)
compared to low socioeconomic status mothers who had knowledge score of 8 (4).
Conclusion: Socioeconomic factor was found to be a significant factor affecting
mother’s knowledge on infantile colic. However, there are some points of knowledge
and attitude of mothers that were not correct. These points should be addressed by
physicians and considered in giving education for mothers to improve their knowledge
and attitude on infantile colic.