Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti apakah insecure attachment (anxiety attachment, avoidance attachment) mempengaruhi perilaku self-gifting baik sebagai reward atau untuk mengatasi personal disappointment. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan riset deskriptif single-cross sectional design, dengan metode pengumpulan data dengan self-administered questionnaire Google Forms dengan skala likert 1-6 yang dilakukan pada 150 responden yang diperoleh melalui purposive sampling dengan melakukan screening pada konsumen yang pernah melakukan self-gifting dalam sebulan terakhir. Olah data kemudian dilakukan dengan menggunakan SmartPLS 3.0. Dan hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa anxiety attachment dan avoidance attachment mempengaruhi likelihood to engage self-gifting for personal disappointment. Pada penelitian ini juga anxiety attachment terbukti mempengaruhi likelihood to engage self-gifting for reward. Dan sementara itu, avoidance attachment terbukti tidak mempengaruhi likelihood to engage self-gifting for reward
This study examines whether the insecure attachment (anxiety attachment and avoidance attachment) affects the self-gifting behavior either as a reward or to overcome personal disappointment. This study used the descriptive research method, single-cross sectional design, and Google Forms self-administered questionnaire with a likert scale of 1-6, that conducted on 150 respondents obtained through purposive sampling by screening on the consumers who have done self-gifting within a month. The data was then processed and carried out using SmartPLS 3.0. This study's results indicate that attachment anxiety and avoidance attachment affects the likelihood to engage in self-gifting for personal disappointment. The anxiety attachment is also proven to affect the likelihood to engage in self-gifting for the reward. Meanwhile, the avoidance attachment is not proven to affect the likelihood to engage in self-gifting for the reward