LATAR BELAKANG: Medulloblastoma memiliki prognosis baik jika pasien menjalani tatalaksana multimodalitas lengkap, terdiri dari operasi, radioterapi, dan kemoterapi. Radioterapi dan kemoterapi memiliki banyak efek samping, namun dosisnya dapat dikurangi pada kelompok pasien dengan faktor prognosis tertentu. Saat ini belum diketahui faktor prognosis medulloblastoma di Indonesia. Penulis bertujuan mengetahui karakteristik medulloblastoma di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo dan menganalisis hubungannya dengan luaran mortalitas.
METODE: Penelitian retrospektif ini didasarkan pada rekam medis dan register pasien medulloblastoma yang menjalani operasi pengangkatan tumor di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo pada tahun 2011 - 2018. Cox regression analysis dipakai untuk mengetahui kemaknaan statistik dari hubungan antara demografi (usia dan jenis kelamin), karakteristik tumor (ukuran tumor praoperasi, lokasi tumor, komponen kistik, keterlibatan batang otak), serta tatalaksana (luas reseksi dan waktu pelaksanaan diversi liquor serebrospinal (LCS)) dengan luaran mortalitas.
HASIL: Dari 44 pasien medulloblastoma yang dioperasi pada tahun 2011 – 2018, mortalitas didapatkan pada 84,1% pasien, dengan median survival time 13 (8,67 – 17,32) bulan. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara usia, jenis kelamin, dan luas reseksi dengan luaran mortalitas. Didapatkan HR (95% CI) untuk usia sebesar 0,44 (0,22 – 0,88; p = 0,022), untuk jenis kelamin 0,001 (0,000 – 0,27; REF: perempuan; p = 0,015), dan untuk luas reseksi berupa biopsi 31,52 (1,09 – 910,56; REF: Gross Total Resection (GTR); p = 0,044).
SIMPULAN: Terdapat hubungan bermakna secara statistik antara usia, jenis kelamin, dan luas reseksi dengan mortalitas. Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara ukuran tumor praoperasi, lokasi tumor, komponen kistik, keterlibatan batang otak, dan waktu pelaksanaan diversi LCS.
BACKGROUND: The current prognosis of medulloblastoma is better in patients who underwent complete treatment consisting of surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy is widely associated with multiple side effects, but reduction of dosage is advisable in patients with certain prognostic factors. No study of prognostic factors of medulloblastoma had been conducted in Indonesia. The author aimed to study the characteristics of medulloblastoma patients in Cipto Mangunkusumo National Referral Hospital, and to analyze its association with mortality. METHOD: This retrospective study was based on medical record and patient registry of medulloblastoma patients who underwent removal tumor in Cipto Mangunkusumo National Referral Hospital between 2011 – 2018. Cox regression analysis was used to determine statistical significance of patients’ demography (age and gender), tumor characteristics (preoperative size, location, cystic component, brainstem involvement), and treatment (extend of resection and timing of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) diversion) with mortality as the outcome. RESULT: 44 medulloblastoma patients were analyzed. The incidence of mortality is 84.1% and median survival time is 13 (8.67 – 17.32) months. Significant statistical association between age, gender, and extend of resection with mortality was identified, with HR (95% CI) for age was 0.44 (0.22 – 0.88; p = 0.022), gender was 0.001 (0.000 – 0.27; REF: female; p = 0.015), and biopsy was 31.52 (1.09 – 910.56; REF: gross total resection (GTR); p = 0.044). CONCLUSION: There was significant statistical association identified between age, gender, and extend of resection with mortality. No significant statistical association was found between tumor size, location, cystic component, brainstem involvement, and timing of CSF diversion.