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UI - Tugas Akhir :: Kembali

Glokalisasi budaya dalam Webcomic: Studi Mengenai Webcomic 7 wonders = Cultural glocalisation in Webcomics: A Study on the Webcomic 7 wonders

Sherrish Serafinna Tanudirdjo; Eriyanto, supervisor (Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021)


Inovasi telah membawa peradaban melalui berbagai perubahan. Di antara banyaknya perubahan yang ada, globalisasi memiliki dampak yang paling besar, terutama dalam hal hubungan sosial dan struktur. Globalisasi telah memicu budaya-budaya yang berbeda untuk saling bersinggungan, menyebabkan adanya hibridisasi antar budaya. Glokalisasi muncul saat budaya local berpadu dengan budaya popular. Melihat komik digital, makalah ini bertujuan untuk
menganalisis adaptasi manhwa Korea dalam Webtoon sebagai bagian dari glokalisasi dalam komik digital Indonesia berjudul 7 Wonders. Makalah ini menggunakan konten analisis kualitatif untuk pengumpulan data dan menggunakan paradigma interpretif. Unsur glokalisasi dalam serial Webtoon “7 Wonders” dapat dilihat dari penggunaan budaya
lokal Indonesia di dalam konten dari serial tersebut. Sementara itu, layout dan gaya menggambar mengikuti budaya popular Korea. Berdasarkan penemuan, serial Webtoon “7 Wonders” mengandung unsur glokalisasi seperti terlihat dalam penggabungan budaya Indonesia dan Korea di dalamnya. Serial tersebut mengambil gaya dan layout dari manhwa Korea popular dan memperkayanya dengan konten budaya lokal.

Innovations have led humanity to numerous changes. Amongst the many shifts and changes, globalisation was deemed
to have the most consequential impact in human history, especially in social relationships and structures. As
globalisation leads to different cultures intersecting, some cultures may start to create a hybrid. Glocalisation exists
when a local culture is mixed with a popular culture. Looking at webcomics, this paper aims to analyse the adaptation
of Korean manhwa in Webtoon as a part of glocalisation in an Indonesian webcomics titled “7 Wonders”. This
research paper will use qualitative content analysis for data collection and adopts an interpretive paradigm. The presence of glocalisation in the Webtoon series “7 Wonders” can be identified in the usage of local Indonesian culture as the content of the series. Meanwhile, the layout and style largely adopts that of the popular Korean culture. Based on the findings, the presence of glocalisation can be seen in the Webtoon series “7 Wonders” through the mixture of Indonesian and Korean culture within the series. The series adopts the style and layout of popular Korean manhwa, while enriching the content with local culture.

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tugas Akhir
No. Panggil : TA-pdf
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Subjek :
Globalisation was deemed to have the most consequential impact in human history, especially in social relationships and structures. As globalisation leads to different cultures intersecting, some cultures may start to create a hybrid. Glocalisation exists when a local culture is mixed with a popular culture. Looking at webcomics, this paper aims to analyse the adaptation of Korean manhwa in Webtoon as a part of glocalisation in an Indonesian webcomics titled “7 Wonders”. This research paper will use qualitative content analysis for data collection and adopts an interpretive paradigm. The presence of glocalisation in the Webtoon series “7 Wonders” can be identified in the usage of local Indonesian culture as the content of the series. Meanwhile, the layout and style largely adopts that of the popular Korean culture. Based on the findings, the presence of glocalisation can be seen in the Webtoon series “7 Wonders” through the mixture of Indonesian and Korean culture within the series. The series adopts the style and layout of popular Korean manhwa
Penerbitan : Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : libUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : viii, 20 pages : illustration ; 30 cm
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI Lantai 3
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