Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh dan hubungan antara brand image, satisfaction, trust, lovemarks (love dan respect) serta brand loyalty untuk kosmetik halal Wardah . Sebanyak 327 data terkumpul dan dianalisis melalui aplikasi statistik SPSS dan LISREL 8.8. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pelanggan yang mencintai dan menghargai merek, secara signifikan memoderasi hubungan antara satisfaction dan brand loyalty, hal tersebut berarti bahwa lovemarks berguna untuk mengeksplorasi pengembangan yang menghasilkan brand loyalty. Kemudian juga brand image ditemukan sebagai pemicu satisfaction dan brand trust, satisfaction mempengaruhi brand trust, dan brand loyalty. Penelitian ini berkontribusi pada literatur, yang secara empiris berteori tentang pembentukan loyalitas merek di industri kosmetik halal Wardah.
This research aimed to identify structural associations among image, satisfaction, trust, lovemarks (love and respect for a particular brand) and brand loyalty for halal cosmetic Wardah . A total of 327 pieces of data were analyzed through the SPSS and LISREL 8.8. It was found that customers’ brand love and respect significantly moderated the relationship between satisfaction and brand loyalty, suggesting that the theory of lovemarks is useful to explore the development of generating brand loyalty. It was also shown that brand image was a helpful originator of satisfaction and trust. Moreover, satisfaction affected trust, and brand loyalty. The current research contributed to the literature, empirically theorizing brand loyalty formation in the halal cosmetic Wardah.