Penelitian bertujuan untuk menentukan rumusan kebutuhan untuk merancang sistem anotasi x-ray secara kolaboratif bagi ahli radiologi dan membuat rancangan desain sistem dan interaksi aplikasi berdasarkan rumusan kebutuhan yang diidentifikasi peneliti. Pembasahan utama dalam penelitian ini terletak pada pengembangan desain antarmuka aplikasi anotasi untuk data x-ray yang mengedepankan aspek-aspek kolaboratif dalam kegiatan anotasi, segmentasi, dan analisis data x-ray. Evaluasi dilakukan pada prototipe yang dikembangkan melalui usability testing dan pengukuran system usability test dengan nilai rerata akhir 75,6 yang diperoleh dari tiga responden eksper. Hasil usability testing yang dilakukan menunjukkan ada beberapa perbaikan yang diperlukan agar potensi manfaat aplikasi dapat dimaksimalkan.
The study aims to determine the need for designing a collaborative x-ray annotation system for radiologists and to design system designs and application interactions based on the formulation of needs identified by the researcher. The main discussion in this study lies in the development of annotation application interface design for x-ray data that prioritizes collaborative aspects of x-ray data annotation, segmentation, and analysis activities. The evaluation was conducted through usability testing on a prototype that has been developed through. System usability scale measurement was conducted with a final average value of 75.6 obtained from three expert respondents. The result of usability testing that was conducted shows there are some improvements needed so that the potential benefits of the application can be maximized.