Proses onboarding telah ditemukan memberikan manfaat bagi produktivitas karyawan dalam jangka panjang di sebuah organisasi. Metode onboarding lambat laun telah bergeser dengan menggunakan daring, luring, atau blended. Penelitian ini akan menganalisis lebih jauh mengenai pengaruh onboarding terhadap job performance melalui peran mediasi affective commitment, work engagement, dan employee creativity dengan Metode Onboarding sebagai Moderator. Data dari 204 karyawan dianalisis menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan onboarding yang efektif dapat meningkatkan affective commitment, work engagement, dan employee creativity. Selain itu, variabel-variabel tersebut juga ditemukan memediasi pengaruh onboarding terhadap job performance, kecuali affective commitment. Metode onboarding juga ditemukan signifikan memoderasi pengaruh onboarding terhadap job performance.
The onboarding process has been found to provide long-term benefits to employee productivity. The method has gradually shifted to online, offline, or blended. This study will further analyze the effect of onboarding on job performance through the mediating role of affective commitment, work engagement, and employee creativity using onboarding method as moderator. Data from 204 employees were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The results showed that effective onboarding could increase work engagement, affective commitment, and employee creativity. In addition, these variables mediate onboarding on job performance, except for affective commitment. The onboarding method was also found significantly moderate the effect of onboarding on job performance.