Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kinerja reksa dana sebelum dan selama pandemi COVID-19 pada empat tipe reksa dana, yaitu reksa dana pasar uang, pendapatan tetap, campuran, dan saham. Penelitian dilakukan mulai dari Januari 2018 sampai dengan Desember 2021 terhadap 509 reksa dana yang terdiri dari 52 reksa dana pasar uang, 205 reksa dana pendapatan tetap, 85 reksa dana campuran, dan 167 reksa dana saham. Metode penelitian menggunakan Sharpe Ratio, Alpha Jensen, dan Fama-French Three Factor Model. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa reksa dana pasar uang memiliki kinerja yang melebihi reksa dana lainnya dengan menggunakan metode Sharpe Ratio dan Alpha Jensen sebelum dan selama COVID-19. Sementara hasil untuk metode Fama-French Three Factor Model menunjukkan bahwa reksa dana pasar uang melebihi kinerja reksa dana lainnya sebelum COVID-19 dan reksa dana pendapatan tetap mampu melebihi kinerja reksa dana lainnya selama COVID-19.
This study aims to analyze the performance of mutual funds before and during the COVID-19 pandemic on four types of mutual funds, which are money market, fixed income, mixed, and equity mutual funds. The research was conducted from January 2018 to December 2021 on 509 mutual funds consisting of 52 money market mutual funds, 205 fixed income mutual funds, 85 mixed mutual funds, and 167 equity mutual funds. The research method used are Sharpe Ratio, Alpha Jensen, and Fama-French Three Factor Model. The results of the study showed that money market mutual funds outperform other mutual funds using the Sharpe Ratio and Alpha Jensen methods before and during COVID-19. While the results for the Fama-French Three Factor Model method showed that money market mutual funds outperformed other mutual funds before COVID-19 and fixed income funds were able to outperform other mutual funds during COVID-19