Caring merupakan filosofi keperawatan dan dasar dalam penerapan asuhan keperawatan komprehenshif. Tujuan : menganalisis pengaruh penerapan caring dalam asuhan keperawatan terhadap psikososial pasien COVID-19. Metode: penelitian kuantitatif, desain Cross sectional. Sampel 105 responden. Hasil: terdapat hubungan bermakna antara penerapan caring dalam asuhan keperawatan terhadap gangguan psikososial pasien COVID-19(pvalue=0,10). Analisis mulivariat pengaruh caring dapat menurunkan gangguan psikososial secara bermakna (pvalue=0,016) tanpa dikontrol oleh variabel perancu jenis kelamin, meskipun jenis kelamin secara signifikan mempengaruhi gangguan psikososial sebagai variabel bebas. Kesimpulan: semakin tinggi penerapan caring dalam asuhan keperawatan semakin rendah presentasi gangguan psikososial pasien COVID-19yang dirawat di rumah sakit. Kepemimpinan transformasional dan empati mengoptimalkan mutu asuhan di era pandemi, sehingga dapat mengembangkan asuhan keperawatan berbasis caring, sehingga dapat menurunkan gangguan psikososial pasien COVID-19dan mencegah terjadinya gangguan kesehatan mental. Kemampuan kepemimpinan manajer dalam memaknai dan menerapkan 4 pilar utama etik dalam kepemimpinannya secara konsisten akan menjadi role model bagi staf keperawatan yang dipimpinnya, sehingga akan membangun karakter caring dalam penerapan asuhan keperawatan kepada pasien, khususnya pasien COVID-19. Penerapan caring Swanson dalam asuhan keperawatan dan didukung 4 pilar utama etik dapat meningkatkan kualitas asuhan yang komprehensif menjadi intervensi terhadap penurunan gangguan psikososial pasien COVID-19.
Caring is a philosophy of nursing and the basis in the application of comprehensive nursing care. Objective: analyzing the effect of caring in nursing care on psychosocial COVID-19patients. Method: quantitative research, Cross sectional design. Sample of 105 respondents. Result: there is a meaningful relationship between the application of caring in nursing care to psychosocial disorders of COVID- 19patients (pvalue=0.10). Mulivariate analysis of the influence of caring can significantly reduce psychosocial disorders (pvalue=0.016) without being controlled by gender role variable, although gender significantly affects psychosocial disorders as free variables.. Conclusion: the higher the application of caring in nursing care the lower the presentation of psychosocial disorders of COVID- 19patients who are hospitalized. Transformational leadership and empathy optimize the quality of care in the pandemic era, so as to develop caring-based nursing care, so as to reduce psychosocial disorders of COVID-19patients and prevent the occurrence of mental health disorders. The manager's leadership ability in interpreting and applying the 4 main pillars of ethics in his leadership will consistently be a role model for the nursing staff he leads, so that it will build a caring character in the application of nursing care to patients, especially COVID-19patients. The application of Caring Swanson in nursing care and supported by 4 main pillars of ethics can improve the quality of comprehensive care into interventions to decrease psychosocial disorders of COVID-19patients.