Data pokok pendidikan (Dapodik) merupakan sistem pendataan PAUD, Dikdas, dan Dikmen berbasis sistem TIK yang memuat data sekolah, data siswa, data pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, dan entitas data sekolah lainnya. Dapodik berperan sebagai basis data kebijakan pendidikan seperti BOS, bansos, tunjangan, UN dan penerbitan data statistik pendidikan Indonesia. Berdasarkan konsep Open Government Data, Dapodik masih memiliki permasalahan pada desain dan implementasinya sehingga penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi Kebijakan Dapodik sebagai Open Government Data. Pendekatan penelitian ini post-positivisme dengan metode qualitative case-study dengan desain penelitian deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa Kemendikbudristek perlu menyempurnakan regulasi (permendikbud) yang mengatur tantang Dapodik terutama terkait dengan pemenuhan standar Open Government Data yang berlaku, seperti Prinsip Sebastopol dan atau Sunlight Foundation. Selain itu, untuk menyukseskan implementasi Dapodik agar memenuhi kebutuhan basis data kebijakan, faktor adopsi teknologi, kesiapan organisasi, dan adaptasi dorongan eksternal perlu diperkuat melalui koordinasi dan kolaborasi berbagai pihak.
Basic education data (Dapodik) is an ICT system-based data collection system for early childhood education, primary education, and secondary education which consist of school data entities. Dapodik roles as a database for education policies such as BOS, social assistance, allowances, National Examination, and the publication of Indonesian education statistics. Based on the concept of Open Government Data, Dapodik still has problems in its design and implementation, so this research is to evaluate Dapodik's policy as Open Government Data. This research approach is post-positivism with a qualitative case-study method with a descriptive research design. The results suggest that the Ministry of Education and Culture needs to improve the regulations (permendikbud) that regulate Dapodik's challenges, especially those related to compliance with applicable Open Government Data standards, such as the Sebastopol Principles and or the Sunlight Foundation. In addition, for the successful implementation of Dapodik to meet the requirement of policy databases, technology adoption, organizational readiness, and adaptation of external factors need to be strengthened through coordination and collaboration of various parties.