Menyusui merupakan hak seluruh ibu dan bayi, termasuk bagi ibu postpartum dan bayinya. Menyusui sangat dianjurkan pada ibu postpartum karena memiliki banyak manfaat yaitu untuk boanding serta mencegah komplikasi pasca melahirkan. Ibu postpartum post SC kelahiran pertama usia 24 tahun pada studi ini menjalani perawatan Covid-19 dengan perawatan bayi yang terpisah sehingga pasien tidak dapat menyusui secara langsung, pasien mendapatkan medikasi anti virus remdesivir. Pemisahan antara ibu dan bayi mengakibatkan masalah dimana terhambatnya boanding yang mana berdampak pada pengeluaran ASI, pada pasien juga ditemukan adanya nyeri payudara serta kesulitan mengeluarkan ASI. Terhambatnya boanding turut berkontribusi dalam penurunan hormone oksitosin yang merupakan hormone pelepasan ASI. Perawatan pada pasien postpartum dengan covid dan rawat pisah antaera ibu dan bayi dalam mengatasi permasalahan keperawatan hambatan menyusui dilakukan dengan melakukan virtual boanding selama perawatan di rumah sakit dengan memvasilitasi videocall antara ibu yang dirawat di rumah sakit serta bayi yang berada dirumah, serta intervensi konseling laktasi dengan menerapkan masase payudara meningkatkan oksitosin dalam memperlancar pengeruaran ASI. Hasil penulisan ini mengambarkan hasil pengelolaan ibu postpartum dengan covid-19 rawat terpisah, dengan pelaksaan virtual boanding dan masase payudara dalam mengatasi hambatan pengeluaran ASI.
Breastfeeding is the right of all mothers and babies, including postpartum mothers and their babies. Breastfeeding is highly recommended for postpartum mothers because it has many benefits, such as boanding and preventing postpartum complications. The paient in this stuty is post-SC postpartum mother at the age of 24 years, with her first born underwent Covid-19 treatment with separate baby care so that the patient could not breastfeed directly, the patient received the anti-viral medication remdesivir. The separation between mother and baby caused problems where delayed boanding which has an impact on the release of breast milk, the patient is also have breast pain and difficulty expressing milk. The inhibition of boanding also contributes to the decrease in the hormone oxytocin which needed to releases breast milk. Nursing care for post partum patients with Covid 19 and separated care between mother and baby in overcoming nursing problems with interuppeted breastfeeding is carried by facilitating virtual boarding during hospital care by facilitating videocalls between mothers who are hospitalized and babies who are at home, as well as lactation counseling interventions. by applying breast massage to increase oxytocin in facilitating the released of breast milk. The results of this study shows the results of the management of post-partum mothers with COVID-19 in separate care, by implementing virtual boanding and breast massage to overcome nuring diagnosis interrupted breast feeding