Latar belakang : Tumor ganas adneksa mata merupakan keganasan epitel yang berasal dari kelopak mata, konjungtiva dan kelenjar kelenjar yang berada pada jaringan tersebut. Tumor ini sebenarnya mempunyai prognosis baik bila diobati pada stadium dini.
Metode : Dilakukan studi historical cohort dengan survival analysis. Subyek adalah penderita tumor ganas adneksa mata yang berobat ke poliklinik subbagian Tumor Mata FKUI/RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo pada periode 1 Januari 1996 sampai 31 Desember 2000 mendapat tindakan operasi. Analisis data menggunakan cara cox proportional hazard dan analisis life table menurut metode Kaplan-Meier.
Hasil : Dari 74 penderita tumor ganas adneksa mata didapat angka harapan hidup 74.24%. Penderita terbanyak adalah karsinoma sel skuamosa (51.4%), karsinoma set basal (28.4%), adenokarsinoma (14.8%) dan melanoma maligna (5.4%). Metastasis memberikan resiko tertinggi terhadap kematian HR 51.69(9.72-274.76), kelompok tumor karsinoma sel skuarnosa - adenokarsinoma HR 4.91 (0.62-38.81), penderita mendapat tambahan radiasi HR 10.72(1.25-92.18), dan jenis operasi eksenterasi HR 7.63(1.59-36.48)
Kesimpulan : Faktor resiko yang berhubungan dengan kematian adalah metastasis, kelompok tumor karsinoma sel skuamosa dan adenokarsinoma, dilakukan tindakan radiasi dan tindakan eksenterasi orbita.
Background : Malignant eye adnexa tumor originates from epithelium of eye lid, conjunctiva, and nodes of those tissues. The prognosis of this tumor is good if it is treated during the initial stadium.Method : A historical cohort study was carried out with survival analysis. The subject of the study were patients with malignant eye adnexa tumor who went to Sub-division of Eye Tumor FKUI/RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo from the period of January I, 1996 to December 31, 2000 and received surgical treatment. Data analysis used was cox proportional hazard and life table analysis with Kaplan Meier method.Result : From 74 patients with malignant eye adnexa tumor we obtained a survival rate of 74.24%. Most of them suffer from squamous cell carcinoma (51.4%), basal cell carcinoma (28.4%), adenocarcinoma (14.8%) and melanoma maligna (5.4%). Metastasis contributes to a high risk of death HR 51.69 (9.72-274.76), squamous cell carcinoma - adenocarcinoma group type HR 4.91 (0.62-38.81), patients receiving additional radiation treatment HR 10.72 (1.25-92.18), and exenteration HR 7.63 (1.59-36.48).Conclusion : The risk factor which causes death is metastasis, squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma group type, radiation treatment and exenteration of the orbit were done.