Tenaga kerja informal dimanfaatkan oleh pabrik pembekuan hasil laut seperti ikan, udang, cumi, rajungan, skalop pada tahap pembersihan sebelum proses pembekuan. Tenaga kerja informal umumnya mengeluh gatal pada tangan dalam bentuk dermatitis kontak, berobat dengan biaya sendiri. Tenaga kerja ini diupah secara harian.
Pada bulan Desember 1999 dilakukan pemagangan di pabrik pembekuan hasil laut "A" Jakarta selama satu bulan lebih. Merupakan studi kasus dengan tahapan identifikasi permasalahan, intervensi, evaluasi.
Identifikasi permasalahan dengan teknik kriteria matriks, didapatkan dermatitis kontak pada delapan responden dari lima belas tenaga kerja informal yang seluruhnya wanita. Prevalensinya 53,33%. Pajanan yang dialami yaitu faktor fisik berupa trauma mikro dari bagian tubuh hasil laut. Tekanan, gesekan bagian tubuh hasil laut dan alat bantu proses pembersihan. Kotoran lumpur hasil laut, pecahan es batu, suhu dingin, air, kaporit. Waktu dan rentetan kontak dialami tenaga kerja ini. Diagnosis dermatitis kontak berdasarkan anamnesis dan gambaran Minis. Bila dibandingkan dengan sebelas orang tenaga kerja tetap wanita yang tidak mengerjakan proses pembersihan, prevalensi dermatitis kontak 9,09%. Uji Fisher's Exact didapatkan p = 0,024. Pekerjaan proses pembersihan berisiko menimbulkan dermatitis kontak.
Prioritas intervensi berdasarkan teknik kriteria matriks. Penyuluhan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang penyakit dermatitis kontak serta upaya pencegahannya. Uji t berpasangan didapatkan p < 0,01.
Pemakaian sarung tangan dan pengobatan dapat menurunkan kasus dermatitis kontak tenaga kerja informal di pabrik "A".
Informal workers are used by the company to freeze marine source such as fish, shrimp, squid, crab, scallop, in cleaning process before freezing takes place. Informal workers usually experience some itchy on their hands which are in forms of contact dermatitis, cured with own expenses. These workers are paid daily.In December 1999 for more than one months. There's an industrial training done at freezing company "A". It is a case study with problems identification, intervention and evaluation processes.Problems identification with matrix technical criteria results in contact dermatitis on 8 from 15 informal workers respondents which all are women. The prevalence is 53,33 %. Exposed is physical factor in forms of micro trauma from parts of marine source body. Pressure, scratch from marine source body and cleaning processing tools. Mud in marine source, ice cube piece, cold temperature, water, calcium hypochlorite. These workers also experience time and continuous contact. Contact dermatitis diagnose is based on anamnesis and clinical background. Compared to another 11 fixed women workers who do not do cleaning, contact dermatitis prevalence is 9,09 %. Statistic test Fisher's Exact shows p = 0,024. Cleaning process is therefore due to contact dermatitis risks.Intervention priority is chosen based on matrix technical criteria. Seminar can develop knowledge about contact dermatitis disease and the prevention efforts. Statistical test show p<0, 01.The usage of personal protection equipment such as gloves and cure can reduce cases for contact dermatitis informal workers in factory "A".