ABSTRAKPersaingan yang semakin ketat diantara fasilitas layanan kesehatan telah semakin mencuatkan pentingnya mutu dalam pelayanan kesehatan.
Pemerintah Republik Indonesia melalui Departemen Kesehatan memahami hal ini dan telah mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mempersiapkan khususnya rumah sakit untuk mengantisipasi globalisasi. Salah satu Iangkah tersebut adalah akreditasi rumah sakit.
Dalam persiapan untuk memenuhi kewajiban akreditasi, RS Imanuel telah melaksanakan upaya peningkatan mutu layanan. Dalam bidang keperawatan upaya tersebut diimplementasikan dalam penetapan Standar Asuhan Keperawatan sebagai standar asuhan keperawatan rumah sakit.
Perubahan ini harus didukung dengan perubahan metoda keperawatan dari fungsional menjadi metoda keperawatan tim. Dilakukan juga evaluasi kelengkapan dokumentasi keperawatan yang sebelumnya tidak pernah dilaksanakan.
Guna meningkatkan mutu dokumentasi keperawatan telah dilaksanakan pelatihan secara in-house pada tahun 1998 dan tahun 1999. Pelatihan dalam proses keperawatan ini ditindaklanjuti dengan evaluasi. Evaluasi pada bulan Juli-Agustus 1999 melaporkan kelengkapan dokumentasi keperawatan berkisar pada angka 60%.
Hal ini memunculkan masalah yang layak untuk diteliti, yaitu bagaimana pengaruh pelatihan perawat terhadap kelengkapan dokumentasi keperawatan.
Penelitian secara quasi eksperimental dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni-Juli 2000. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengaruh yang positif dari pelatihan pada kelengkapan dokumentasi keperawatan. Terungkap juga perbedaan pengaruh pada perawat dengan latar belakang SPK, AKPER, dan SPK Bidan. Perawat SPK meningkat pengetahuan dan keterampilannya setelah pelatihan.
Atas hasil penelitian ini disarankan untuk RS Imanuet membentuk Komite Keperawatan sebagai badan yang bertanggung jawab atas kesinambungan pelatihan dan peningkatan mutu sumber daya keperawatan rumah sakit.
ABSTRACTThe Effect of Nurse Training on the Completeness of Nursing Documentation at Imanuel HospitalThe continuously growing competition among health care facilities had raised the importance of quality in health services. The Indonesian government through the Department of Health had fully realized this fact and had taken various efforts to prepare hospitals in anticipating this globalization issue. One among the efforts was hospital accreditation.
In preparation for accreditation, the management of 1manuel Hospital had implemented programs for quality improvement. in the field of nursing services, the effort were in implementing the Standard of Nursing Care that was legally issued by the Director General of Medical Services, Department of Health as the standard of nursing care in Imanuet Hospital. This changes in standard would be difficult to fulfill if not supported by changes in nursing care modality from functional nursing to team nursing.
The next step in improving the quality of nursing care was evaluation on completeness of nursing documentation. This was never performed during the years of functional nursing modality
Efforts to improve the quality of nursing documentation was performed by developing a continuous in-house training on nursing process.
The training were performed in 1998 and l999. Following each training evaluation was performed. Report of evaluation on July-August 1999 was not satisfying yet. The score on the completeness of nursing documentation was around 60 %.
This created a research problem of measuring the effect of nurse's training on the completeness of nursing documentation.
With all that background, a quasi experimental research to measure the effect of the nurse's training on completeness of nursing documentation was prepared and performed.
The research report show the positive effects of training on the completeness of nursing documentation on each stages of the nursing process. The effect of training based on the nurse's characteristics i.e. longevity of duty and education background was showing differences in both.
Based on the research report, it will be a great support for the nursing services if imanuel Hospital could have a Nursing Committee as a legal body who will take responsibility in performing continuous education and training as a program for improving the quality of the Imanuel Hospital's nursing resources.