Angka kematian bayi dan angka kematian ibu di Kalimantan Barat masih tinggi, karena cakupan pertolongan persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan masih rendah. Cakupan pertolongan persalinan di Kabupaten Sanggau paling rendah dari Kabupaten dan Kota lainnya di Kalimantan Barat, kemungkinan karena kinerja bidan PTT di desa masih rendah.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengelahui gambaran kinerja bidan PTT di desa dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kinerja tersebut meliputi: status perkawinan, pelatihan, lama kerja, tempat tinggal, supervisi, jumlah dukun bayi dan dukungan pemerintah desa di Kabupaten Sanggau tahun 1999.
Metode penelitian dengan rancangan potong lintang dan sample seluruh populasi sebanyak 137 responden. Pengumpulan data dilakukan wawancara langsung. Analisis data dengan univariat, bivariat menggunakan chi Kuadrat dan multivariat menggunakan Regresi Logistik.
Hasil penelitian kinerja bidan PTT di desa relatif rendah, dimana cakupan pertolongan persalinan S 27% dari target sebesar 50,1%. Variabel yang terbukti bermakna adalah pelatihan, lama kerja dan supervisi. Pelatihan memberikan kontribusi relatif dominan terhadap peningkatan kerja bidan PTT di desa.
Disarankan adanya kebijakan pelatihan, meneruskan perpanjangan kontrak kerja dan kewenangan pengangkatan bidan PTT atau PNS oleh pemerintah daerah. Adanya program perencanaan prioritas pelatihan, penempatan dan kemandirian bidan PTT serta supervisi. Selanjutnya agar diadakan penelitian jenis latihan dan supervisi yang efektif dan efisien serta lama kerja yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja.
Factors that Correlate with Delivery Performance of On-Contract-Basis Midwives in Village in Sanggau District West Kalimantan Year 1999 Infant Mortality and Maternal Mortality rates in West Kalimantan remain high as consequence of coverage of delivery service by health workers is still small. The coverage of delivery service in Sanggau District is the lowest one compare to other districts or cities in West Kalimantan. This may be related to low delivery performance of on-contract-basis midwives of villages in the district.The purpose of this study was to investigate the performance of on-contractbasis midwives in villages and factors that correlate with the performance. The factors are : marital status, training, duration of work in village, residence, supervision, number of traditional birth attendant and support from the village office in Sanggau District in 1999.The study employed a cross sectional design and the number of selected sample from the population was 137 respondents. Data were gathered by direct interviews. Data analysis was carried out by means of univariat, bivariat tests using Chi-Square and multivariat test using Logistic Regression.The study result reveals that the delivery performance of on-contract-basis midwives in villages in the district is relatively low in which the coverage of the delivery service of S 27% of the target reached from 50.1%. It is also revealed that training, duration of work and supervision correlate significantly with the performance. Training contributes relatively dominantly to the improvement of the delivery performance of on-contract-basis midwives in the villages.This study recommends that training policies be established, work contract be extended and recruitment of on-contract-basis midwives and state-employed midwives be authorized- to the local government. This study also recommends that there should be programs that cover training priority planning, distribution and independence of on-contract-basis midwives as well as supervision. There should also be studies focusing on effective and efficient training and supervision programs as well as on duration of work thay may lead to improvement of delivery performance.