Rumah Sakit Pusat Raden Said Sukanto yang disebut Rumah Sakit Sukanto adalah badan pelaksana pada dinas kedokteran dan kesehatan Polri. Salah satu kegiatannya adalah menyelenggarakan perawatan pasien rawat inap dan rawat jalan. Selama periode triwulan II/2002 telah melayani perawatan pasien rawat inap untuk anggota dinas dan keluarga sebanyak 3.512 orang dan pasien rawat jalan sebanyak 26.611 orang. Dalam kegiatan operasionalnya, RS. Sukanto belum dapat mencukupi kebutuhan obat-obatan untuk anggota dan keluarga.
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui rata-rata beban biaya obat untuk anggota dinas dan keluarga di rawat inap dan rawat jalan serta total beban biaya obat-obatan yang selama ini dikeluarkan oleh pasien dinas dan anggota keluarga. Desain penelitian ini adalah survei untuk menghitung total beban biaya obat di rawat inap dan rawat jalan selama periode triwulan II/2002.
Teknik pengumpulan data adalah dengan abstrasi catatan medik selama 6 hari (15 April -20 April 2002) selanjutnya analisa dilakukan melalui uji t atau uji Anova dan uji Kai Kuadrat dengan bantuan perangkat lunak (SPSS).
Dari hasil perhitungan didapatkan rata-rata beban biaya obat rawat jalan sebesar Rp.39.587 dirawat inap sebesar Rp.110.171 sehingga total beban biaya obat di rawat inap dan rawat jalan pada triwulan II/2002 adalah sebesar Rp. l. 440.370.209,- dukungan anggaran dinas untuk obat-obatan sebesar Rp.798.249.900,-(55%) sisanya Rp.640.120.309,-(45%) ditanggung oleh pasien dinas sendiri.
Dari keseluruhan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa perlu adanya penyempurnaan pengolahan dan perencanaan obat baik ditingkat MABES (DISDOKKES) maupun Rumah Sakit Sukanto, serta peninjauan kembali perhitungan proporsi DPK yang selama ini dipotong 2% dari setiap anggota POLRI.
Raden Said Sukanto Police Department General Hospital is working committee on Medical and Health Service of Indonesian Police Department (POLRI), which one activity organizing health care, for ambulatory patient and in-patient.This hospital on second quarterly 2002 had been serving member ships of police office and their families for staying care around 3.512 person and ambulatory care as much as 26.611 patients. Sukanto Hospital could not fulfill the over drugs for policemen and their families.The objective of research is to knowing the cost charge average and total cost of medical supply that Police Department spends for policemen and their families at ambulatory care and room care.Research design is taking survey for calculating the total cost and the cost average of medical supply at ambulatory care and room care on second quarterly 2002. While, medical record abstraction have required for collecting of data, as long as six days, in the middle of April until 20 th April 2002. Furthermore, the researcher carried our univariat analysis by t-test or anova or chi-square with assisting SPSS.From those analysis was found that the cost charge average of medical supply in ambulatory care was Rp.39.587,- whereas in room care was Rp. 1.440.370.209,-, with the result that, the total cost both of its, on second quarterly 2002 was Rp.1.743.613.511,-. The department just only could expensed Rp.798.249.900, - (55%), and less of fund, about Rp.612.120.309, - (45%) became responsible for patients.Conclusion of these research could explained that MABES or Sukanto Hospital necessary to make conduct preparation of medical supply with good planning, and the hospital has to make judgment in medical cost by implementation of reference system in main level or region level. Finally, in order to the membership of police office and their families didn't have much charge, the hospital has to increase quality of service and has to rise good image, as good hospital for membership of police office.