UI - Tesis Membership :: Kembali

UI - Tesis Membership :: Kembali

Korelasi Emisi Gas Buang Kendaraan Bermotor Dengan Kualitas Udara Ruang Parkir Bawah Tanah Gedung Bursa Efek Jakarta dan Dampak Kesehatan Pekerja

Nadapdap, Huala; Tata Soemitra, supervisor (Universitas Indonesia, [Date of publication not identified] )


Emisi gas buang kendaraan bermotor khususnya yang berbahan bakar bensin berpotensi meningkatkan kandungan CO di perparkiran bawah tanah dua kali lebih besar dalam empat bulan. Korelasi konsentrasi CO, HC dan Opasitas dari emisi gas buang dengan perparkiran sangat erat dengan nilai r untuk rata-rata kandungan CO mencapai 0.9845. Kandungan CO dan HC dapat terakumulasi di perparkiran tertutup dengan terbatasnya ventilasi, sirkulasi udara dan exhaust. Perancangan sistem perparkiran yang memadai dan memenuhi kaidah Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja menentukan seberapa besar akumulasi CO.
Kandungan CO dalam darah dan Phenol dalam air kemih merupakan indikasi paparan CO emisi gas buang kendaraan dengan udara ruang parlor P2 BEJ. Kandungan CO berdampak negatif langsung terhadap kesehatan manusia. CO dengan cepat dapat menggeser 02 dari dalam darah karena CO dengan Hb membentuk COHb dengan cepat 200 - 300 kali lebih kuat dari oksigen dalam mengikat Hb darah. Dampak CO terhadap pekerja parkir tergantung lamanya pemajanan dan konsentrasi CO nya. Perokok lebih berisiko terhadap pajanan CO di P2. Kondisi pekerja yang terpajan CO di P2 sudah relatif terganggu, potensi hipoksia sudah megganggu sistem kardiovaskuler terlihat dari keluhan-keluhan pekerja seperti nyeri kepala, pusing, mual dan vertigo.
Pengendalian dampak emisi gas buang dapat dilakukan oleh pekerja secara proaktif. Tindakan preventif dengan menekan emisi gas buang melalui penyuluhan pemeliharaan mesin secara teratur, pemiiihan jenis dan tahun produksi kendaraan. Pengelola gedung sebaiknya melakukan tindakan perbaikan yang terpadu mencakup perencanaan system perparkiran, ventilasi, sirkulasi udara dan sistem pengaturan kerja.

Within four month periods the gas emissions from burning gasoline vehicles has the potential to doubling increase of the carbon monoxide (CO) concentration in the underground parking area. The correlation of HC, CO and Opacity of gas emission is very close to the parking indoor air quality, it shows by the r-value of CO about 0.9845. CO and HC content can be accumulated in the indoor parking area due to the poor ventilation, air circulation, number and capacity of exhaust fans. The adequate parking system designs that meet with Health and Safety requirement will effect the CO content accumulation.
The CO content in the blood and phenol in the urine are indicating the employee exposure to CO vehicles gas emission and P2 BET parking indoor air quality. The CO concentration at P2 has direct impact to the parking employee health. Carbon monoxide quickly reduce the oxygen intake from blood stream and by binding carbon monoxide with hemoglobin (Hb) to become a carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) compounds that toxic to human. CO bound Hb rapidly 200 - 300 times stronger than oxygen in the blood. The effect of carbon monoxide to the employee depends on the duration of exposure and CO concentration. Moreover smokers have a higher risk to the CO exposure in the P2. The condition of employee who expose to the CO at P2 has relatively been affected of the gas emission and will suffering from hypoxia with aggravated cardiovascular problem such as head pain, headache, fatigue and vertigo.
The employee can proactively participate in controlling of vehicles gas emission. Preventive action by minimizes the gas emission through awareness program, regular engine maintenance, choosing type of vehicles and year of product are parts of better control_ The building management should concern a continuous improvement through corrective action such as redesign the parking system, ticketing system, ventilation system, and shift work system of the employee.

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tesis Membership
No. Panggil : T12742
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Penerbitan : Depok: Universitas Indonesia, [Date of publication not identified]
Bahasa : ind
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Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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