Kesehatan reproduksi adalah sesuatu yang banyak dibicarakan dan menjadi salah satu bidang yang banyak diminati dan dibahas dalam pertemuan ilmiah. Salah satu sassaran kesehatan reproduksi adalah remaja putra dan putri belum menikah dengan ttijuan tercapainya kesehatan reproduksi yang optimal dalam segala aspek yang berhubungan dengan sistem reproduksi, fungsi dan prosesnya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku seksual remaja SMU dan hubungan antara pengetahuan, sikap dan sumber informasi tentang kesehatan reproduksi dengan perilaku seksual tersebut. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah studi potong lintang (Cross Sectional Study), dengan pengolahan data menggunakan analisis regresi logistik.
Populasi penelitian ini adalah remaja SMUN. 1 Kota Metro dengan jumlah sample 255 orang penelitian dilaksanakan pada tanggal 9 juni 2003, kuesioner diisi sendiri oleh siswa tanpa mencantumkan nama untuk mendapatkan jawaban yang jujur, petugas pengumpul data diambil bukan dari guru sekolah melainkan dari dosen Akademi Kebidanan Metro agar siswa lebih terbuka dalam menyatakan pendapat/pengalaman pribadi.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan proporsi remaja SMU yang mempunyai pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi kurang 52,9%, sikap negatif 55,7%, paparan informasi kurang dalam mendapatkan komunikasi kesehatan reproduksi dari orang tua 59,6 %, dari teman sebaya 34,5 %, dan media komunikasi terbanyak dalam mendapatkan informasi kesehatan reproduksi adalah dari media cetak, yaitu majalah 71,4 %. Kesimpulan penelitian ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan (OR = 7,786) dan sikap (OR = 1,800) tentang reproduksi dengan perilaku seksual.
Dari penelitian ini disarankan kepada pihak yang terkait dengan remaja SMU, kepada institusi pendidikan dapat meningkatkan kegiatan ekstra kurikuler yang didalamnya berisikan pengetahuan tentang kesehatan reproduksi, mengaktifkan kelompok remaja/sebaya dengan membicarakan topik topik kesehatan reproduksi dan meningkatkan layanan konseling di sekolah kepada siswa yang membutuhkan atau bermasalah terhadap kesehatan reproduksi dan fungsinya. Kepada Badan Pembantu Penyelenggara Pendidikan diharapkan dapat mengembangkan misinya kepada anggotanya/orang tua siswa untuk lebih meningkatkan kemampuan mendidik yang menjurus kepada kesehatan reproduksi dan Lembaga Sosial Masyarakat dapat ikut berperan untuk membantu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap remaja yang positif secara berkesinambungan. Daftar Pustaka , 45 (1991 - 2002)
Analysis on the Relationship between Knowledge, Attitude, and the Source of Information on Reproductive Health and Sexual Behavior among Students at SMUN I Metro in 2003Reproductive Health is one of the most common issues that talked about, and be branch of science that is mostly interested to discuss in scientific meetings or conferences. One of the targets of interests in reproductive health is unmarried adolescence. They need a special attention in order to reach their optimal goals in their reproductive health in all aspects which were related to its system, functions and process.This study objective was to find out a description on adolescence sexual behavior among high school students and its relationship with knowledge, attitude, and source of information about reproductive health. The design of this study was a cross-sectional one and the data were analyzed by logistic regression analysis.The population of this study was high school students grade 2 of SMUN I, Metro City, and the number of samples were 255 students. This study was carried out in June 9, 2003. To assure an honest answer, an anonimous, self administered questionnaire was used to collect the data. After completion of the filling up the questionnaire, teacher from the Midwifery School of Metro were recruited to assist in explaining the questionnaire prior to data collection. The teacher of the SMUN I were not selected to assist collection of data, so this was also intended to provide the students with freedom ands honesty in filling up the questionnaire concerning both their opinion and experience.From the study, it was found that the that proportion of students who had less knowledge on reproductive was about 52,9%, almost three out five of the students were either had negative attitude toward reproductive health or had less communication with their parents regarding reproductive. Students who had exposures on reproductive health information from their from peers group was around 34,5% and the most used (71,4 %) of information an reproduction health source was magazine, From this study it was concluded that there was a significant relationship between both knowledge on reproductive health (OR=7.786) and attitude on reproductive health (OR=1.8) with the sexual behavior among the students.Based on the study findings, it is suggested to those who are incharge of the high school education institution to escalate the extra-curricular activities that include addressing reproductive health subject matters to its activities, In addition it also suggested to initiate in school peer group program for discussing the reproducting health topics and issues. The school is also encouraged to increase counseling services for students who are in need or who have problem with their reproductive health. The Student Parent Committee should develop its program in encouraging parents to empower their ability to communicate reproductive health to their children. Simultaneously, the involvement of non government organizations (NGO), in any program enhancing the adolescent's knowledge and positive attitude on reproductive health is strongly needed.