Memasuki abad 21, abad perdagangan babas dunia, abad globalisasi yang penuh tantangan dan persaingan bagi pelaku bisnis termasuk juga didalanmya bidang pelayanan kesehatan, diibutuhkan persiapan untuk mengantisipasinya. Makin meningkatnya persaingan, bidang pelayanan kesehatan, termasuk rumah sakit, makin membutuhkaa pemasaran. Tenaga paramedis perawatan merupakan 50 - 60 % dari seluruh tenaga di rumah sakit, sehingga meningkatkan pemasaran rumah sakit, berarti harus didahului dengan meningkatkan kepuasan tenaga paramedis perawatannya. Dengan meningkatnya kepuasan, kinerja menjadi lebih baik, sehingga pemasaran meningkat. Sedangkan peningkatan kepuasan bagi Pegawai Negeri Sipil didapat dengan kenaikan pangkat melalui sistem angka kredit. Kenyataannya saat ini sistem angka kredit belum berjalan dengan lancer. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perolehan angka kredit bagi jabatan tenaga paramedis perawatan.
Penelitian Akan dilakukan di RSU Pandan Arang Kabupaten Dati II Boyolali, meliputi jabatan fungsional tenaga paramedis perawatan (kecuali honorer), Kepala Ruangan di UGD, Kamar Operasi, Paviliun dan bangsal rawat inap, serta Tim Teknis Penilai angka kredit di RSU. Variabel pada penelitian ini terdiri dari : faktor perseorangan, faktor unsur-unsur penilaian angka kredit, faktor sarana pendukung dan faktor proses penilaian angka kredit. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis secara kuantitatif, pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner bagi semua tenaga paramedis perawatan Pegawai Negeri Sipil, data sekunder didapat dari laporan-laporan rumah sakit, sedangkan data pelengkap diperoleh dengan kuesioner bagi tenaga paramedis perawatan calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil, kuesioner dan wawancara bagi Kepala Ruangan dan Tim Teknis Penilai angka kredit di RSU. Analisis data secara statistik menggunakan uji statistik Chi-Square, sedangkan sebagai perbandingan digunakan persentase dari data asli.
Hasil penelitian yang didapat dari uji statistik dan persentase data asli adalah faktor perseorangan, faktor unsur-unsur penilaian angka kredit, faktor sarana pendukung angka kredit dan faktor proses penilaian angka kredit berhubungan dengan perolehan angka kredit bagi jabatan tenaga paramedis perawatan di RSU Pandan Arang. Oleh karena itu, agar RSU Pandan Arang dapat memperlancar perolehan angka kredit bagi tenaga paramedis perawatannya, perlu memfungsikan Tim Teknis Penilai RSU secara optimal, penyediaan sarana pendukung, meningkatkan jumlah kunjungan pasien/meningkatkan aktifitas pemasaran, mengadakan rotasi intern, mengadakan penelitian lebih lanjut hambatan atas kelima unsur penilaian angka kredit, menghimbau kepada institusi pendidikan keperawatan agar persyaratan kenaikan pangkat dengan sistem angka kredit diajarkan lebih intensif kepada siswanya dan meninjau kembali ketetapan tentang besaran angka kredit setiap kegiatan, disesuaikan dengan tipe atau klasifikasi rumah sakit (A, B, C atau D), karena jumlah kunjungan pasien yang sangat berbeda.
Upon entering 21st century, a period signified by rapid growth of globalization and free trade, there is a strong need for business establishment to make a preparation for anticipating any socio-economic changes. The more intense the competition among companies, the more crucial it is for them to pay careful attention to services and marketing. Health service sector is, without exception, greatly affected by this phenomena In a hospital, nurses or those who provide subsidiary tasks count for approximately 50 - 60 % of the total hospital staffs. The important role of nurses in the performance of a hospital is obvious. Therefore, the improvement of their working condition or well-being means the improvement of the hospital's marketing. One way to achieve this is through promotion, which, for civil servants, can be obtained from the use of "angka kredit" system. However, the fact shows that this system, in practice, has not been too successful. This observation is aimed to realize those factors which relate to the acceptance of "angka kredit" system for nurses.
The study was done in Pandan Arang Hospital, Boyolali. The subjects are the nurses (except the honorary one), the heads of ICU room, operation room, pavilion and in patient wards and the technical team evaluators of "angka kredit" in the hospital. The variables of the study consist of individual factors, elements of "angka kredit" evaluation, support facilities and the process of "angka kredit" evaluation. This study uses descriptive analysis method quantitatively. The primary data is obtained from the distribution of questionaire to all civil nurses; and the secondary data is received from hospital reports ; while other supplement data is obtained from the questionaires to civil nurse candidates; the questionaires and interview to heads of the rooms and "angka kredit" technical team evaluators. Statistical analysis employs the use of chi-square statistic, while comparison datas are evaluated with percentage from original data.
The result from the analysis shows that the individual factors, the elements of "angka kredit" evaluation factors, the "angka kredit" facility support factors and the processes of "angka kredit" factors significantly relate to the acceptance of "angka kredit" for nurses in Pandan Arang Hospital. Therefore, in order for Pandan Arang Hospital to effectively apply "angka kredit" system toward the process of promotion among its nurses, it is necessary that the function of technical team evaluator be optimized ; the availability of facility support be ensured ; the number of visiting patients be increased by improving marketing activities ; the internal rotation be carried out ; and last but not least, the further study of finding out other Obstacles in the 5 element of "angka kredit" evaluation . In addition, it is important to suggest that nursing education put more attention on the understanding of work promotion through "angka kredit" evaluation for its students. Finally, the reexamination of the standard measure for each activity which are adjusted is the types or hospital classification (A, B, C or D) seems to be crucial because the number of visiting patients in each hospitals is different.