Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan telaahan kepuasan kerja dan kinerja serta hubungannya satu sama lain diantara perawat di RS Islam Jakarta Timur (RSIJT}. Guna mengetahui hal tersebut, maka disain penelitian merupakan suatu studi deskriptif analistik dengan pengambilan data secara cross sectional, Analisis deskriptif dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan kerja dan tingkat kinerja perawat. Sedangkan analisis statistik dilakukan untuk melihat ada tidaknya hubungan antara kepuasan kerja dan kinerja, faktor-faktor kepuasan apa yang paling erat hubungan/pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja, serta komponen kepuasan kerja yang mana yang paling penting peranannya.
Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa tingkat kepuasan kerja dan kinerja perawat di RSIJT umumnya cukup baik. Faktor finansial merupakan penyebab utama ketidakpuasan, kemudian didapatkan bahwa seluruh faktor kepuasan mempunyai hubungan bermakna dengan kinerja baik secara sendiri-sendiri maupun secara keseluruhan. Sedangkan faktor kepuasan yang paling erat hubungan/pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja adalah faktor psikologi.
Selain hasil di atas, terbukti pula bahwa masing-masing faktor kepuasan saling berkaitan satu sama lain. Oleh karena itu dalam upaya perbaikan tingkat kepuasan kerja dan tingkat kinerja perawat tidak dapat dilakukan hanya terhadap faktor psikologi saja, melainkan harus menyeluruh agar didapatkan hasil yang optimal.
The Relationship between Nurse?s Job Satisfaction and Job Performance in Jakarta Timur Islamic Hospital The purpose of this study was to get a description of job satisfaction and job performance and also the connection of each other among nurses in Jakarta Timur Islamic Hospital (JTIH). For this purpose a study has been conducted using a descriptive analytic design with cross sectional data collection. This descriptive analytic was cultivating nurse?s job satisfaction and job performance degree. Statistic analysis was used to observe the existence of relation between job satisfaction and job performance, and also to found out job satisfaction factors which has the closest relationship with job performance, and job satisfaction component which played the main role.The result of this study showed that the degree of nurse?s job satisfaction and job performance in JTIH was generally good. The financial factor that was the main cause of job dissatisfaction. All job satisfaction factors had significant relationship with all job performances, but among those job satisfaction factors, psychological factor that had the most significant relationship with each and the whole job performance. Its also proved that job satisfaction factors were connected to each other.Based on the above, the improvemental effort to nurse's job satisfaction and job performance degree cannot only be done to psychological factor, but comprehensively to all factors to get the optimal results.